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  Chapter 411 Extra: Federal Life 4
  outside the city is divided into a dangerous area and a safe area.

  Holding the map, Tang Ruo unleashes his mental energy to explore the way, and guides Bai Qi, who is also holding the map, as a manual guide.

  The chariot has automatic driving, it will automatically plan its route when it encounters obstacles, and it will automatically stop when it encounters people. Bai Qi doesn't have to drive at all.

  There is also a navigation system in the car. In the last days, the radiation in the air increased, and the order of the entire world collapsed. The satellites launched before the last days could not be contacted, and no scientific researcher was able to study the reason. Now everything is slowly being established, some satellites have been contacted, and maps are slowly being drawn.

  Furthermore, there are infrared sensory rays on the chariot that can sense foreign objects that are greater than vision, as a reminder.


  These are not Tang Ruo's sweet voices!

  The voice of artificial intelligence and Tang Ruo's voice... Which one will Bai Qi choose?
  "We are now in a safe area. It seems to be divided into a planting area and a breeding area. There seem to be a lot of things to grow..." Tang Ruoyi reported to Bai Qi about the things he planted, including cotton, rice, barley, and some pre-apocalyptic herbs and fruits. The animals he breeds are silkworms and ants.

  Bai Qi looked out the car window one by one.

  He saw that there were people in the fields or in the farms, some of those people were wearing radiation suits, and some were wearing combat uniforms. They were completely inconsistent, and he came to the conclusion that these fields must be contracted.

  After passing the safe zone controlled by the Xingyue City government patrols, you will truly enter a world full of strange beasts.

  After driving for about one kilometer, I saw many supernatural beings wearing various combat uniforms fighting against some giant silkworms.

  It can be seen that these silkworms are more than twice the size of the farmed silkworms. One is about 3 meters long. Many supernatural beings fight against one with two or three people.

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