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  Chapter 371 Come back,

  the way to capture here is very fast, Qian Jinxin's car can also not stop at Ximen, just a blood test can drive straight in.

  When the car stopped at the gate of the compound, the people inside came out to welcome it.

  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Tang Ruo being carried back by Bai Qi.

  Pan Xiaoxuan rushed forward and grabbed Tang Ruo's hand and asked Bai Qi, "What's wrong with her? Did Cao Min treat her well?" "She's getting

  promoted, so she should be fine." Bai Qi said, avoiding everyone and going upstairs to her villa.


  Pan Xiaoxuan was taken aback for a moment, and she didn't dare to be careless. She thought about the difficulty of Tang Ruo's promotion before, and silently watched Bai Qi walk into the villa and disappeared from her sight.

  After the two left, she and Yang Li went to grab Hu Haotian, who was also present, and asked for details.   Pan Xiaoxuan suppressed her voice, gritted her teeth and asked, "Did you kill that bitch Cao Min?

  "   It can be seen that the former teammates should be all right now, so they took her inside to see everyone while walking.   The people in the room were talking all over the place, and it took half an hour before and after, and they finally sorted out what both sides wanted to know.   After Hu Haotian and the others left here, they were also in a hurry.   There are not many healing abilities in the base, and Yang Li is the only high-level ability user.   So much so that when she used the big light ball to sort out the blood vessels in the brain, she even passed out with the empty power.   Now, everyone was in a panic again. Later, they thought that she was about to advance, so they asked Pan Xiaoxuan to prepare space water and help her in...

  One is the first person with information, and the other is the task issuer of their team.   How can something happen without a team? !   15 villas upstairs.   After Bai Qi brought Tang Ruo back to the bedroom, she didn't stop there, she just poured water into the bathtub, stripped off her clothes and let her sit in.   This is also one of the reasons why he took Tang Ruo back to the villa to advance.   There is also a spare water source left by Tang Ruo here, and when she went to other places, Tang Ruo was already in a coma, and there was no room for water to advance her.   This time, from the setting sun to the mid-moon, until Hu Haotian knocked on the door outside, because he knew that Bai Qi should be in the bathroom, far away from the door, so the knock was made with a brick: "Xiao Bai, I brought you food, and I want to discuss the future of our team with you, come and open the door for me." Bai Qi glanced at Tang Ruo, let go of her hand and opened the door   .

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