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  Chapter 341 Locust Crossing
  After boarding the car, Pan Xiaoxuan looked at Tang Ruona differently and admired her very much. Seeing Cao Min so devastated, she immediately felt refreshed: "Xiao Ruo, your metaphor of being raped is really apt. I can describe you with admiration! So you are so eloquent!" Seeing Tang Ruona looking outside, she didn't speak, but she held Bai Qi's hand tightly, so she knew that the other person seemed to be frank, and she was definitely not sure. Happy. Then she bypassed the topic and asked about the large mutated insect in front of her.

  When asked about this, Tang Ruo returned to normal, shook his head and said, "I don't know what it is yet. When we get closer, I'll use my spiritual power to investigate again." After walking another 5 kilometers, Tang Ruo gathered his mental power again and released it towards the location he had explored before


  This time, she clearly felt what it was, and when she knew it, she felt a sense of nausea: "It's a centipede, a big centipede, about 500 meters ahead." In Tang Ruo's view, the centipede really became a sperm.


  Pan Xiaoxuan turned her head.

  "Well, the body should be more than 3 meters..." While feeling it, Tang Ruo also discovered another spiritual power, which obviously belonged to Dr. Cao, and now her supernatural power is much stronger.


  "Centipede spirit?"

  "Is this a fantasy movie?"

  "There are supernatural powers, what are you making a fuss about!"

  The voices of everyone anxiously discussing came from the walkie-talkie.

  On the other hand, Bai Qi was very calm, and said directly: "Go hunting."

  Having been teammates with Bai Qi for so long, everyone knew Bai Qi's character well, that is, he didn't care about his own affairs, and now he heard him say this, and Hu Haotian naturally asked: "Why, is it of great use?"

  "It can improve abilities." Bai Qi spoke bluntly, without hiding anything.

  "This thing can also improve abilities? It's so amazing!" Not only Hu Haotian, but also the friends were all surprised.

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