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  Chapter 261 Don't even want to die!
  The body lost its balance in an instant!

  Bai Qi fell like a kite with a broken string.

  In order to save Wei Lan, the two-meter distance Bai Qi pounced on was no longer above the city wall, but directly outside the city wall. If he fell like this, he would fall directly into the pile of zombies below!

  Tang Ruo was also attacked by a few third-level zombies. After Tang Ruo commanded her in the morning, the girls admired her more and were following her footsteps to fight against the zombies. They saw the scene of Wei Lan being captured out of the fortress over there.

  The girls looked at the scene of Bai Qi stepping into the air, their hearts were shaken, and they thought to themselves: Is this such a powerful supernatural being going to die right now?

  Just as he was thinking this way, he heard the word "Bai Yan!" in a female voice, and saw her flying out of the city wall at an extremely fast speed with the help of the water polo! What's the situation
  ? !

  The girl from the water element was completely dumbfounded when she saw such a scene before she recovered from the shock!
  Although Tang Ruo's movement of stepping on the water polo and flying outwards was done in one go, flowing clouds and flowing water, which is particularly beautiful.

  But what happens if you jump out and die by yourself? !

  The sky was dark, and the supernatural beings who saw this scene were filled with emotion and their hearts were beating wildly.

  In the post-apocalyptic world, people are intriguing and deceitful, and true love is hard to find. But these two people can live and die together, and stay with each other!
  Falling in love is the most charming romantic thing.

  Die for love, leaving the deepest touch.

  Wei Lan was equally shocked by this scene!

  Back then, when Bai Qi was on the cliff, she followed Tang Ruo and jumped off without even thinking about it. Now, this girl Tang Ruo jumped into the pile of zombies for this man without even thinking about it!

  Looking back suddenly, it seems like a lifetime away.

  "Wei Lan!" Su Yuwei jumped over and hugged him the moment he stood up, "Are you okay, you scared me to death!" Her tears rolled out, instantly wet Wei Lan's shirt.

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