Give me your love [M]

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Since a few wanted a smut ver. Here ya go!

It's been a year

A year since they last had a wholesome, affectionate relationship together.

It's not that she hates Karina, or wants to break up with her or anything. It's the fact that Karina hasn't spent quality time with Winter.

The reason? Karina's demanding work.

The only times Winter gets to be with Karina were in bed sleeping, and...pretty much it.

Well actually on weekends Winter spends the day wrapped in Karina's arms but the older girl would be typing in her laptop at the same time which was fucking annoying.

"Babe, will you ever put that laptop down?" Winter asks.

"I can't baby, it's work I have to get done." She pecks Winter on the temple.

The younger simply pouts, as her eyes wander Karina's concentrated face. She was well focused and it seemed important.

But the urge to kiss those lips were unsettling. She just wanted to slam the laptop shut and crash her lips against Karina's.

Unfortunately, she can't.

But Karina seems to get a glance of her girlfriend's sulky face.

"What's wrong?" Karina asks.

"You've been working all day since this morning."

"It's literally 8pm, can't you take a break?"

"Winter, I get that you want me to relax but I really can't." Karina retorts.

Winter let's out an irritated scoff, showing how annoyed and frustrated she really was. "It doesn't hurt to spend some time with your girlfriend you know."

"I missed you."

To Karina, she just ignores winter and proceeds to type as if nothing happened. Winter wasn't happy.

She throws a glare at Karina before untangling herself from the older girl's arm.

Karina feels the warmth beside her fade, switching her eyes to look at the pissed Younger girl. "Where are you going?"

"The room!" And a loud slam at the door makes Karina flinch.

Now she's doomed. That's what she thinks, because she hasn't seen winter that pissed in awhile.

But she doesn't go in and check on winter right away . She finishes the workload of the amount of work she had then immediately slammed her laptop down and approaches the bedroom door.

When she got there and opened it, it was quiet and empty. Winter wasn't there.

She made sure by walking around the bedroom but the moment she entered the huge bathroom, her eyes widened at the sight of winter in a dark red silky robe, facing the mirror.

"You just got out of the shower?" Karina asked as she approached winter, leaning in to cage her against the counter.

"Mm." Winter turns to face Karina with a nod.

Karina gulps once more before her brain tells her to untie the strings of the robe.

"Why are you here? You showered this morning already." Karina asks with a smile, fumbling with the tie to winter's silky robe.

"I felt like it." Winter hides her smirk, still playing with her damp hair.

The taller girl silently moves the girl's hand out of the way, lifting her up and onto the bathroom counter.

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