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It could be a bit confusing-

Remembering love is like a photo book of memories, love is just a memory.

But slowly losing those memories were the most terrifying moments to ever experience.

Waiting in a hospital ward, Jimin sits on a chair beside the window.

The sky outside was blue. So blue and clear, she smiled at the sight and admired the flying birds passing by.

"Jimin, she's here." A doctor informed her.

She turns to look over at the girl.

The girl that left her wordless and all she could do was stare into those bright curious round eyes.

Those beautiful gleaming eyes. It spoke a million words she couldn't describe.

"Minjeong, introduce yourself." The doctor smiles.

"Hi, I'm Minjeong."

Jimin just keeps staring at those capturing eyes.

"H-hi, I'm Jimin." The girl hesitates to wave.

A month back both girls were in a tragic accident that left the in severe critical condition. So critical, they had to be in a 2 week coma.

Luckily both recovered, but the unfortunate part was how they both have no memory of each other.

And it shocks the doctor knowing that both of them suffered short term memory loss.

Either way short term or not, both girls had to recall the memories somehow.

"Do you guys have any clue on what you both are?" The doctor asks both of them.

Minjeong finds the hazel eyes in front of her to be very comforting, warm and sweet.

But she doesn't know who that woman really was.

And Jimin doesn't really know who Minjeong was either.

They both shook their heads.

"You both are married couples."

Hearing that shot some type of surprise through Jimin's brain. She still doesn't remember.

"She' wife?" Minjeong asks the doctor.

"She's your wife."

It stays silent, sounds of chattering heard from outside the ward if they listened close enough.

"How about I leave you both to a conversation. Say whatever you want I'll be back in an hour." And with that the doctor walks out with the door closed.

They both shared a fixed gaze, thinking to themselves what this really meant.

"Hi wife!" Jimin exclaims.

The younger girl lets this huge unforced smile show on her lips.

And it's one that makes Jimin blush red,  redder than a red apple. It makes her feel happy seeing that smile.

"Hello" Minjeong chuckles.

It doesn't take long for Minjeong to realize how adorable the older girl was when she was flushed red from a smile.

Maybe it's Minjeong's sign to start smiling more. Only for Jimin.

"Um, I don't know if I mention this but, I think you're really gorgeous." Jimin puts her hands over Minjeong's hand.

"Well, you too. You're really pretty."

If they both thought about it, it's like they're on a date but if they were to recall memories, everything would've made more sense.

"You know, I wish I still had my memories."

"Why so?" Minjeong's head tilts to the side.

"Because I wonder how lovely it was being beside you all the time."

"I bet I woke up next to you every morning, stayed with you every day all day." Jimin looks out the window.

Words can't express how beautiful Jimin looked in the blue sky scenery, she looks so dreamy and stunning.

Being near Jimin was like being complete, it felt right to be near jimin. Even if they don't remember each other much.

It doesn't hurt to make new ones, and hopefully the old ones come back.

"I want to do what we always do together, whatever it was that we used to do." Jimin fidgets with her fingers.

That curious thought runs in Minjeong's mind.

And at the moment, an idea pops into Minjeong's head.

"Well maybe we can recall those memories through making new ones." The younger one gets out of her chair.

"Right now." Minjeong smiles as she sits on the girl's lap.

It's like Jimin catched on to what Minjeong was implying.

Her hands wrap around the girl's waist, waiting for something to happen.

And it does, Minjeong leans in as her lips brush against Jimin's soft lips.

She takes that sign to move gently against Minjeong's lips, feeling this type of way that tells her that everything is alright.

That Minjeong was right there, and everything was okay.

Her eyes close as she sinks into Jimin's touch but she feels wet tears stain her face. Only to pull back and see Jimin crying.

She was worried, scared, she's never seen Jimin cry. Not that she's known of at the moment.

"Why are you crying?" Minjeong wiped the tears away.

But her worries fade when she sees the smile on Jimin's face.

There's this reflection of her in the teary eyes and it reminds her that Jimin wasn't just someone to her.

Jimin was for her and she's only for Jimin.

"Is everything okay?"

"I'm just.." Jimin breaks into tears.

"I'm just happy you're near." Jimin silently sobs in the crook of Minjeong's neck.

She doesn't get why she's crying, it felt like she was spilling a million of emotions out that she didn't know she kept in.

Where did all of these tears come from?

It's warm in Minjeong's arm and Jimin wanted to stay like that for a while because the feeling was so familiar.

It was all too familiar.

But nonetheless her memories of Minjeong weren't there.

"Minjeong.." the older girl lets out a shaky sigh.

In Minjeong's chest, her heart aches when she hears how shaky Jimin sounds.

"Yes Jimin?"

"I want to love you more than before." Jimin whispered.

A hush tone brought tears to Minjeong's eyes, hearing Jimin's heartfelt words.

The girl looks up at the younger one, sniffling with rosy cheeks and puffy eyes.

"Don't cry my baby." Minjeong smiles through tears.

Both of them were crying. Whether it meant tears of joy or sorrows, what mattered was that they were beside each other and that everything was okay now.

Even if they've lost their memories, they know they'll find their way back through them.

Their smiles were sealed with a sweet warm kiss, not letting anything get in the way of their moment and they weaken underneath each other's lips,
holding on without ever letting go.

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