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After Derek leaves, Stiles pulls up to the house in his Jeep. We hop out and Scott hands both me and Stiles a flashlight. We start to walk around the side of the house when Scott speaks. "Wait, something's different."

"Different how?" I ask.

"I don't know," Scott shakes his head. We approach the grave. "Let's just get this over with." I shine my flashlight at the grave as they start digging it up.

They keep digging for a while, and I glance around. "This is taking way too long."

"Just keep going," Stiles sighs.

"What if he comes back?" I point out.

"Then we get the hell out of here," Stiles responds.

"What if he catches us?" I continue.

"I have a plan for that," Stiles assures me.

"Which is?" I press.

"You run one way, Scott runs another way, and I run a different way. Whoever he catches first, too bad," Stiles shrugs.

"I hate that plan," Scott groans.

Stiles hits something hard. "All right. Stop, stop, stop!" They toss their shovels aside and kneel into the grave before they start manually digging. 

My brows furrow when I see some kind of strings of rope. "What is that?" I question.

They grab the ropes and start to untie them. "Hurry," Scott urges.

"I'm trying. Did he have to tie the thing in like 900 knots?" Stiles comments. They finally untie the ropes and open up the sack to reveal a wolf's head on the inside. We all exclaim in shock, and they jump out of the grave. "What the hell is that?!" 

"It's a wolf," I state.

"Yeah, I can see that," Stiles gasps. "I thought you said you smelled blood. As in human blood?"

"I told you something was different."

"This doesn't make sense," Stiles shakes his head.

"We gotta get out of here," I sigh.

"Yeah, okay, help me cover this up," Stiles nods. They start to cover the wolf head up when Stiles notices something.

"What's wrong?" Scott asks.

"Do you see that flower?"

Both Scott and I look over to see a strange purple flower a few feet away from the grave. "What about it?" I shrug.

"I think it's wolfsbane."

"What's that?" Scott questions.

Stiles looks over at him. "Haven't you ever seen The Wolf Man?"


"Lon Chaney Jr.? Claude Rains? The original classic werewolf movie?"

"Stiles, get to the point," I snap.

Stiles stands up and walks over to the plant. He pulls it out of the ground to see that a rope is attached to it. He starts to pull the rope out of the ground to reveal that it's surrounding the grave in a spiral. 

I look back down at the wolf head, and my eyes widen. "Guys," I start. They look over at me. "Look." I point down at the body, and they look down. "I was right. She's a werewolf."

"You Don't Know Me" || Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now