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Mom and I walk over to the bleachers, and I scan the players when I spot Scott and Stiles. Mom waves at them before we take a seat in the stands. I take a deep breath as I tap my foot nervously. Mom looks over at me when she notices me shaking my leg. "You okay, Cass?" Mom asks.

"What? Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine," I lie. "I'm just nervous for Scott, that's all."

"I get it. I am, too."

Except I happen to know that Scott is a werewolf and could shift on the field. A number of things could happen tonight.

Scott could hurt someone or worse, kill someone. Scott could shift in front of everyone and reveal that werewolves are real. Allison's dad could start suspecting Scott if he notices something that no one else would notice.

The coach blows his whistle, and I sigh. I watch as the players run out onto the field.

After the game starts, the first thing I notice is that none of the players are passing to Scott.

Uh oh. That's gonna piss him off.

The ball is dropped on the ground and both Scott and Jackson run toward the ball. Jackson knocks Scott out of the way and grabs the ball. He throws the ball into the net and scores.

What an asshole.

Mom glances over at me before we both stand up and clap. I look over to see Lydia and Allison holding up a sign that says

We luv u Jackson


I notice Scott shake his head and walk over to the team.

There's gotta be a reason they're not passing to Scott. It's obvious it's on purpose. Whatever the reason is, they're gonna cause Scott to shift on the field because they're pissing him off.

The game resumes, and the ball is thrown upwards. Scott jumps over the players and catches the ball in his net. The other team tries to get it from him, but he dodges them with ease. He makes it to the other goal and throws the ball into the net and scores.

Everyone cheers, and I can't help but smile.

"McCall! Pass to McCall!" Coach shouts.

The next play, the other team gets the ball first, but when the player sees Scott, they throw the ball to Scott.

Oh God. That looks suspicious.

Scott scores again and everyone cheers. I glance over at the time.

This is the last play I'm pretty sure.

The last play starts and the ball is tossed to Scott. I notice the other players back away from Scott. I watch as he looks around at a couple of the other players.

This is not good.

Two players from the other team run at Scott, so he throws the ball at the net and scores right as the time ends. I sigh in relief as everyone cheers again and runs out of the stands. I walk over to Stiles and take a seat next to him. "He didn't kill anyone," I comment quietly.

Stiles sighs. "Yeah. This time."

"Uh-huh," I hear Sheriff Stilinski hum.

Both Stiles and I look over at him. "Dad, what's wrong?" Stiles asks. He holds up a finger, and my brows furrow.

"You Don't Know Me" || Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now