♱⋰part 7⋱✮

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"What the hell were you thinking?!" my mom yells as she slams the car door shut. I just sit there fidgeting with my hand. I look out the car window as my mom continues to shout at me.

"I'm sorry, mom! But what she did was so messed up," I explain. 

"What made you even hit her? I don't understand!" she looks at me. She rubs her temples and closes her eyes. "Never have I imagined that you would be this type of person,"

"She lied about something with Tom and it ended up with him breaking up with me and my friend group not wanting to talk to me," I quietly mumble as tears run down my face. My mom's face drops slightly and doesn't speak. She then rubbed my back in sympathy.

"Look, I'm sorry that happened but that doesn't give you an excuse. I might as well cancel our trip and ground you for the entire summer," she says. 

I look up to her and begin to beg. "No mom please. I can assure you it won't happen again. We always go to California and what I did was stupid."

"Well I'll think about it," she spoke. She starts the car and drives back home. It was silent for the entire car ride. I stare out the window just thinking about what happened in the past 2 hours.

My mom pulls up to the driveway and sets the car into park. I grab my backpack and leave the car, slamming the door shut. My mom gets her keys from her purse and unlocks the door. I take off my shoes and head up to my room. I throw my backpack on the floor and lay down on my bed, facing the ceiling. I then roll over onto my stomach and grab my flip phone to text Sam.

sammy wammy

sorry, sam. i got sent home. i
wish you were here with me :(

sammy wammy
no it's okay! don't worry
about me <3


sammy wammy
so how pissed was your mom?

surprisingly, not that much.
she probably feels bad abt me
and tom 😕

sammy wammy
aww. she didn't cancel your
trip, right?

nah but she was about to

sammy wammy
tbh i wished she did cancel
it so you could be stuck with
me 🥰


sammy wammy
okay, i'm still in class so
i'll talk to u later, y/n/n.
i love you

i love you too  🫶


I set my phone down and bury my face in my pillow. I wish I had just listened to Tom. I should've known, too. I was upset at Mia, but also upset at myself. I lay like that for a couple more minutes until I hear my mom knock on the doorframe. I look up at her and sit up. She leans on the doorframe and smiles a little.

"Hey. Listen, I won't cancel our trip but I trust that this will never happen again. understood?" she looks at me in a serious way. 

"Don't worry, mom. I won't." I nod. She nods as well and leaves. 

I'm just glad she didn't cancel the trip. We planned on traveling all the way to california. Every year since we moved here, we would spend a month back home. We used to live there until my dad died. That's when we moved here. Going to california would definitely give me time to think. I still needed to figure out things between matt and I. I felt terrible just leaving him there. He probably thought I was two-timing him or something. Mom planned on leaving soon after school ended so I decided to start packing. I mostly packed shorts and tank tops because I knew it was going to be really hot. We were leaving on monday, so I had the entire weekend to prepare. I decided to pass time by going to the park near my house. I grab a jacket before I leave and walk into my mom's room to let her know where I'm going.

"Hey mom. Is it alright if I go to the park?" I ask.

"Mmm.. okay. Just make sure to come back before 4. I need to go pick up your sister as well so I'll do that when you are gone," she answers. It was 2:55 which meant I had about an hour to spare.

"Alright. Thanks, mom." I walk down the stairs and put my shoes on, then exit the house. My school ended at 3 so I thought maybe I could invite Matt to explain some things. I would try to fix things with Tom or Bill first, but I know that they would just ignore my calls. I wanted to give them space. I checked my phone to see the time and it was finally 3. I begin to text him, hoping he responds.

matt <33

hey, matt. im so sorry i never
told u abt tom and i promise i wasnt
using u. if you go to the park near
school , i can explain some things

matt <33
fine. but you gotta hurry
i have a flight.

i understand. thank you


I could tell that Matt was still upset by the way he texted. He just left me on read, but I get it. I waited on swings until Matt came. I sit there for 10 minutes, then I saw Matt walking towards me.

"Hi," i quietly say. he just sits on the next swing beside me. "Listen, I'm sorry that I never told you about Tom. I know that I should've but I felt like I didn't need to. I didn't want you to know what had happened between me and him, you know?" I look at him, but continued to look down at the ground. 

"Yeah I get it." he finally says and looks at me then gives me a small smile. I smile back and laugh.

"Friends?" I ask with my hand out, waiting for him to shake it.

He thinks about it for a little then takes my hand and shakes it. "Friends."

I pull him in for a hug and we both laugh.

"Dude I can't believe you fought that girl Mia and won!" he quietly chuckles.

"I know right? I thought she was gonna be much stronger, but obviously not," I smiled.

We chat for a while until we both have to go. I give him a tight hug and say goodbye. We wouldn't see each other until the beginning of the next school year, which made me sad to think about. I know that he only likes me as a friend, but I'm okay with that. 

cutee 😝 looks like y/n made a boy bsf ‼️ btw  give me some ideas on how to add more drama yk i don't want the story to get boring 😭 also i'm sorry if i'm not updating consistently i just get random burst of motivation to write yk?? anyways pls vote for thing story 🤩

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