♱⋰part 10⋱✮

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It had been at least a month since we've been in California, and it has been a blast. Over the weeks, my family became friends with Matt's family, which meant that we hung out more often. Matt had a sister named Dylan that was around my age too. We got closer and things couldn't have been more great.

Right now, Dylan and I were at the mall, buying clothes. Most of the time, we were messing around and trying on the ugliest clothes, and never buying them. I'm sure most of the store owners were upset, but we didn't care.

I giggled at Dylan as she held up a piece of clothing up to her chest. She smirked and started posing in front of me, while still holding the clothing.

"So what do you think?" she snickered. 

I laughed while covering my mouth with one hand, and pointing at her. "You look like a grandma!"

She stopped posing and glared at me. "Rude." she stuck the middle finger at me before putting back the piece of clothing. She was holding in her laugh by pursing her lips. I chuckled as we began to walk out the store together.

"I'm hungry do you wanna go to the food court?" I asked as we exited the store.

"Yes please! I was waiting for you to ask," she groans, holding her stomach.

We walk to the food court and order our food before finding a table and sitting down. Dylan and I find a table to eat at and sit down. Her and I talk as we wait for our foods to be done. One of the workers calls out our order number, so Dylan and I get up from our seats to get our food. We get our food and sit back down.

"Hey, Dylan what's your love life? Like I never asked if you had a boyfriend or something," I look at her, intrigued.

"Nah, I'm not dating anyone but there is this cute guy that I'm talking to," she shrugs. I smirk and raise an eyebrow, giving her a look.

"Chill! It's nothing big. So what about you?" she says, now giving me her full attention.

I stay silent for a while before answering. "Oh yeah. Well I used to date this guy Tom, but we broke up before school ended."

"Bummer!" Dylan groans. "Men are such dicks."

I laugh. "Actually, it was my fault."

Dylan's eyes become wide and her jaw drops. "Please don't tell me you're a cheater."

"No! No nothing like that," I exclaimed.

She sighs and grabs my hand. "Thank god. So what happened?"

"I guess this girl was jealous so she told me that Tom was talking to her and I thought it was true but it wasn't. Then Tom got upset at me for believing her and stuff," I explain.

I stare down at my food and feel disgusted. I don't feel hungry anymore. "I'm gonna go throw away my stuff," I get up and toss my food away. I had forgotten about Tom, Bill, Gustav, and Georg. I still had to make things right.

"Do you wanna head home now?" Dylan rubs my back. I sadly smile and nod. She throws her food and puts her arm on my shoulder.

"Let's go." she holds my hand as we walk back to the parking spot.

- time skip -

I was in the shower thinking about all my friends. I wondered how I could make it up to them. Especially Bill. He was one of my best friends and I know it hurt him just as much as it did to Tom. After I was done showering, I decided to text Bill. Nothing really could go wrong, by texting him. If he was still upset, then at least I tried. There was no harm in trying.

my silly emo 🔥

hey bill ik it's been a while
i apologize i haven't said it
sooner, but i'm really sorry.
ik i hurt both u and tom
and i never meant to. ur one
of my best friends and i miss
u sm. i hope u can forgive me

my silly emo 🔥
ty y/n i appreciate it.
but have you tried to
apologize to tom yet?
it should be him, not me

yeah ik but that's what
i needed help with. i dont
know what to do. ik he
won't listen to me.

my silly emo 🔥
hmm js give him time i'm
sure he'll forgive u soon

thank you bill. srsly
i missed u sm. ❤️❤️

my silly emo 🔥
ofc, y/n. hey when do u
come back? let's meet up!

july 23rd. i'll text u abt it
later tho.

my silly emo 🔥
okk. i'll ttyl byee


A smile grows on my face, as my friendship with Bill is fixed. I shut my phone and put in on my nightstand. I run up to my mom to tell her what happened. She smiles and seemed proud that I fixed things with Bill.

Her and I talk for awhile until she went into her room to sleep. I say goodnight to her before she went into her room. I sit at the couch for a little, then going back into my room. I call Dylan and Sam to let them know as well. Now I had three more people to fix my friendship with but I had hope.

guys i'm genuinely sorry for not updating it frequently 😭 i've been having trouble coming up with ideas and school just started for me. if i dont post everyday, just know that i'm writing sections little by little until i finish a chapter, so i'm always updating it, u js can't see it :)) also tom will be more involved with the story in 1 or 2 more chapters 🤩 i hope u guys enjoy and pls vote !!

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