♱⋰part 11⋱✮

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Matt and I we're hanging out again today, as it was his last day here in California. He was heading back to Germany tomorrow so we wanted to spend the last day together. We had become much more closer then we ever had before the summer. Sometimes, it felt like he liked me too, but was too afraid to say it. I think we both knew we liked each other, we just didn't want to admit it yet. I definitely didn't want to admit my feelings to him yet because if he didn't like me, it would ruin our friendship and I really didn't want that between us.

We decided to spend his last day at the beach. The beaches in Germany were nothing compared to California. Matt pulls into a parking spot. I get out of the car and open the trunk. We unloaded the car with the supplies and carried them to the sand. Once we found a good spot, We started setting up the umbrella and chairs. I quickly became tired and plopped down on one of the chairs while Matt continued to work. I sat there, feeling all sticky from sweat. It was a much hotter day in California so it was the perfect day to be at the beach. I look over at Matt and see him sweating and panting.

"You're like a dog the way you're panting," I giggle. I continue to make fun of him as he wipes the sweat off his forehead.

"Well guess who's doing all the work," he grunted. I scoff and stick out my tongue at him.

I began to dig through my bag to find the sunscreen to put on. I then take off my clothes so I was just in my swimsuit. I squirt a good amount in my hand and rub it into my legs. I loved the sun, but hated getting burnt. Matt eventually finishes and starts putting on sunscreen as well.

"Matt can you put sunscreen on my back I can't reach," I innocently smile. I hand him the bottle and grab all my hair to the side.

He gets up from the other seat and grabs the bottle out of my hand. "God, you are helpless."

He lathers my back with sunscreen, making sure I wouldn't get burnt. "Thank you! Here, I'll help you out. Turn around," I grab the bottle and start rubbing the sunscreen on his back.

"Alright, let's go in the water is so hot." I fan myself with my hand.

I walk to the water and dip my feet in, feeling instant relief. I walk in further until my waist and below is completely submerged. I glance over to look at Matt who was still at the shore.

"Come on it feels so nice!" I shout.

"Yeah hold on I'm still getting used to it!" he says. Crossing his arms, trying to warm up. It was probably 100 degrees outside, I don't know how this man was still trying to warm up.

"God you are taking forever!" I say to myself. I slowly walk back over to him, grabbing him by the hand, and pulling him in further into the water.

"Y/N, why are you always doing this?" he complains.

"Because you're being a baby, now come on," I grunt, still pulling him.

He eventually gets used to the water and willingly swims around without me trying to drag him in the water. After awhile, we both get tired and float in the water. It felt so nice to spend time with Matt. I actually felt sad that he was leaving, even though I would see him again. I think about Matt and I and I couldn't keep my feeling inside anymore. I had to tell him how I felt.

"Hey Matt I gotta tell you something, but don't get upset," I quietly say. He lifts up his head and looks at me.

"Okay. Well we've been hanging out this entire summer and I just wanted to say that I really like you. I understand if you don't feel the same way but I just had to tell you because-"

Matt interrupts me as he smashes his lips against mine. I close my eyes and put my hands on his cheeks. I then slowly pull away from him. We were both staring at each other.

"I really like you too, Y/N. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I feel like we've wasted so many days," Matt grabs the back of his neck.

I smile and chuckle. "Don't say that! I don't think we've wasted any days."

We get out of the water and relax on the shore. We both sit on the beach chairs, enjoying the view. I then glance at Matt to see him staring at me already.

"What are you looking at?" I ask.

"Nothing you're just really pretty," he smiles.

I groan and start to blush. "Alright, wrap it up. Enough with the corny shit." I laugh and look down.

Matt laughs and grabs my hand. I interlock my fingers with his and we stay like this for the rest of the time.

- time skip -

We went in the water a few more times, but it was getting late and Matt didn't want to miss his fight so we started packing everything up. We grab our stuff and load everything back up in the car and start driving back to the hotel. The song sweet by cigarettes after sex was playing while Matt and I were holding hands. I look at him and grin widely. I turn up the volume of the song and look out the window. I knew I would cherish this moment forever.

to be completely honest,  i cringed writing this 💀💀

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