♱⋰part 12⋱✮

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"Okay I gotta go but I'll see you soon," I quickly say.

"Okay. Bye, Y/N! i miss you and see you soon," Sam says on the other end and hangs up.

I sigh and plug my phone into a charger. Tomorrow was the day I would leave California to go back home. I would miss California, but I was happy to go back home. Matt had already left a few days ago, but we still called and texted almost everyday.

Mom decided that we weren't going to do anything today because we still had to pack everything. I was sitting on my bed with all my clothes surrounding me, waiting to be folded and put in my suitcase. I hear my mom walk in and I knew she was going to be upset that I haven't even started folding my clothes but I didn't care and I continued to sit there.

"Y/N, come on. I don't want you to end up doing this last minute," my mom explains.

"So? I'm getting it done either way!" I groan and grab one of my clothings and start to fold it. I really wish Matt was here. He would've saved me from my own boredom.


- tom's pov -

I was playing with my guitar and sitting on my bed when I hear a knock on my door. I stop playing and set my guitar to the side.

"Who is it?" I yell loud enough so the person outside could hear.

"Billlll!" he says in a singing voice.

"Come in!" I yell.

The door swings open immediately and Bill enters the room with a smile. He walks to my bed and sits down at the edge.

"What do you want?" I ask. Bill never really comes into my room unless he wanted something from me.

"Oh I just wanted to tell you that Y/N is coming to town soon!" Bill exclaims and starts clapping his hands like a little kid.

I turn red and look away from Bill. I haven't seen her ever since the fight. I really was trying to avoid her. I couldn't stand being reminded of her. Even in conversations. If someone mentioned her, I would just walk away. I still loved her so much. I sometimes sit and wonder if I overreacted that day. My life has completely changed ever since. I became depressed and would fuck random girls to get rid of that pain. It did for a little, but that funny feeling would always come back.

I look back at Bill and frown. I start playing with my guitar again to show that I didn't care even though I totally did. "Ok? What does that have to do with me?" I scoff.

"God I was just telling you. You don't have to be such a prick," Bill groans and pinches his nose bridge.

"I don't want anything to do with her after what happened." I grumble. Lie.

"Listen I get that but she made a mistake. And to be honest if someone told me what Mia said to Y/N, I would believe them too," Bill shrugs. "The least you could do is forgive her and become friends," he adds.

"Whatever. Don't bring her here when I'm around," I look down. Another lie. I wanted to see her so badly ever since she left for California.

Bill becomes frustrated and gets up to leave. "Dick!" he screams and slams the door. He stomps all the way back into his room and slams the door shut.

I sigh and get back to playing my guitar. I kinda hoped that Bill with bring Y/N over even though I told him not to. I didn't expect him to actually listen to what I was saying. He never does.


- Y/N's pov -

I finally finished packing and laid on my bed feeling accomplished. It was 7:24 pm and I was about to go to bed but I still had to shower and get ready for bed. I grumble and rub my eyes. All I wanted to do right now was to sleep. Though I get up and grab some pajamas and head to the bathroom.

After I finish showering, I wash my face and brush my teeth before hopping in bed

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After I finish showering, I wash my face and brush my teeth before hopping in bed. I shut off all the lights and turned on the tv and watched some shows. I started drifting into sleep, when all of the sudden, I hear my phone ring. I scream into my pillow and grab my flip phone, not even looking at who called me.

"What do you want?" I groan as I pick up.

"Oh sorry, Y/N. Is this a bad time to call?" Matt answers.

I gasp and sit up quickly. "Oh my god? Matt? Shit, sorry. I wasn't expecting to hear from you right now. I was sleeping so sorry if I sounded rude," I slightly chuckle.

"You should've told me! I would've waited to call you later!" Matt exclaims.

"Don't worry. I'm pretty much up already. So what did you need to tell me?" I ask.

"I'm just so excited that you're coming back," I hear him chuckle to himself.

I smile and kick my legs up and down. I had missed him so much I couldn't wait to see him. "Me too."

"Hey do you wanna do something when you come back? I mean we don't have to plan it right now, but when you come back we can talk more about it," he spoke through the phone. 

"Okay! That sounds good," I say, still kicking my legs up and down.

"Alright. I'll let you get your sleep. Talk to you later, Y/N. Bye," Matt says.

"Bye!" I hang up and toss my phone somewhere on my bed. 

I bury my face into my pillow and smile. I couldn't wait to see all my friends and family again.

yayy tom is finally in one of the chapters again!! he will definitely be more in the story now that this section in the story coming to an end. we'll finally see how much he changed 😰

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