~Summer~ WeaselBee

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"So your telling me that you have a pet dragon that can burn down a house and is learning to fly and only Draco knows about?" She says shocked. I nodded vigorously.

"Damn the Malfoy's are more daft then I thought." Lucille says grabbing her and levitating a glass of lemonade over to the bed. I looked at her confused.

"I thought you can't do magic outside of school?" I said grabbing the lemonade and taking a sip.

"Oh, you can't but since mum is constantly using magic and dad is to, not to mention Janet is showing more signs of magic then ever before. The ministry can get confused and can't tell if it was my parents using magic or my little sister sudden spark of magic." She tells me shrugging.

"You heard from Astoria?" I ask her

"Not much, her parents don't let her talk with non purebloods so she has decided to go on strike and write to no one unless she could write anyone which her parents didn't really care because it's just less paper and ink used." She said taking a sip of lemonade. "Why?"

"Well you have a lot of paper and ink over there suggesting you've been writing to someone and Mazy looks tired meaning that you probably have been writing a lot." I explain glancing at the paper scattered on her desk and the ink sitting next to it. She turns a little red at this. "And since you haven't been writing to me or Astoria. You have to be writing to someone else."

"Well- I..just..there-

"Take your time." I say jokingly as she stumbles over words.

"You remember when I told you about the guy I may or may not fancy?" She asks me. I nod my head yes.

"Well, before we left Hogwarts. I sorta befriended him." She tells me a little hurriedly. My mouth comes open slightly. "And I secretly writing to him till you caught me!" She continued crossing her arms at the end grumpily. I hold in the urge to laugh at her childish behavior. Instead I just tell her

"I doubt he cares if I know about it. Plus you still haven't told me who this guy is." I tell her.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." She answers grabbing a cookie off her nightstand. I give her a knowing look which she returns with a shrug.

"At least tell me what you've been writing to each other about." I ask with a exasperated sigh.

"Friend stuff." She responds shortly. I roll my eyes.

"So any plans for second year besides this mystery boy?" I ask her trying to change the subject off of some boy I'm not allowed to know about.

"Not much, you?" I shrug in response, she gives me a look.

"Just quidditch things." I response quietly and quickly.

"Merlin, you were being serious about trying out for the team!" She exclaims

"Well, I mean ya."

"You do realize that no girl has ever been on the team in Slytherin history and I doubt you could change that." She tells me. I put a hand over my heart and fake hurt.

"That hurts, Lucille I thought you believed in me!" I say faking hurt as I put a hand over my chest. She rolls her eyes

"You know I believe in you. Its just not statistically possible."

"Honestly I truly wonder how you convinced that old hat to put you in Slytherin and not Ravenclaw." I tell while taking another sip of lemonade.

"Dunno been asking that to myself lately to." She says with a little laugh. "Come on mum says she wants to take us shopping. Something she didn't think you had been to a mall before." Lucille tells me pulling me through the bedroom door and down the stairs.

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