~Year 5~ Advice and owls

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All fifth years will be required to attend a short meeting with their Head of House during the first week of the Summer term, in which they will be given the opportunity to discuss their future careers. Times of individual appointments are listed below.

I looked down at the list and found I was expected to meet Snape later this afternoon. I groaned thinking of having to discuss my future with him but smiled knowing I would miss most of DADA.

"Lucky, I got Umbridge." Lucille says next to me looking at the list.

"I would say skip, but she seems to be on edge these days." I say sympathetically.

Later that day I made my way to the dungeons to Snape's class. I opened the door and took a seat. Behind me Professor Umbridge was sat there, a clipboard on her knee, a fussy little pie-frill around her neck, and a small, horribly smug smile on her face. Snape eyed Umbridge and began the meeting.

"This meeting is to talk over any career ideas you might have, and to help you decide which subjects you should continue into sixth and seventh years," said Professor Snape. "Have you had any thoughts about what you would like to do after you leave Hogwarts?"

"um.." I say, finding Umbridge behind me very distracting. "I was thinking of becoming a magizoologist." Snape raised his eyebrows at this. I guess not many had wanted to become one before, I thought. I heard Umbridge make a tsk sound from behind me.

"Well, you'll need to take the following courses next year: Care of Magical Creatures and receive top marks, Defense against the dark arts,-" Umbridge gives a cough from behind me, "-Herbology, Potions, creature anatomy and physiology, ghoul studies and magic civics and sociology. Now to enter these N.E.W.T level classes you will need top marks. I for one will only be taking 'Outstanding' level grade in my N.E.W.T class-" Umbridge gives her most pronounced cough yet.

"Do you need a cough drop, Professor?" I say whipping my head around and looking at her.

"Oh no, thank you very much," said Umbridge, with that simpering laugh I hated. "I just wondered whether I could make the teensiest interruption, Severus?" Snape doesn't respond but she continues on anyway. "I was just wondering whether Miss Gibson knows what is in her best interest." said Professor Umbridge sweetly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I countered, narrowing my eyes at her. Her smile doesn't falter.

"I'm just simply stating that maybe a different career would be better with your magical talents than grooming wild beasts." She says in her sweet voice.

"They're not wild beasts." I say forcefully. She responds a bit surprised and taken back by my tone. 

"According to the Ministry-" 

"I don't care about the Ministry." I say interrupting her. She gives me a sweet smile. 

"Detention Miss Gibson, tonight. For speaking out against the Ministry." Great. Now I have another detention with umbitch. "This conversation is over. You will continue it later tonight with me." I groaned. I could handle detention but a conversation about my future career with her...I would rather take a bludger to the head. 


It was quite a horrible day. I had just finished taking my O.W.L with Umbridge. The only reason I was able to perform and know half the things on the test was because of D.A.

I was making my way back to the common room when I saw Fred and George running down the hall. The weren't looking and ran right into me.

"What's gotten you two in a hurry?" I asked as they helped me. Fred and George looked at each other before looking at me.

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