~Summer~ Moves and Counter Moves

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The morning light shined through the open curtains in Draco's bedroom. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I opened them. I had never slept so well in my entire life. No nightmares, no waking in the middle of the night. Just pure blissful sleep. Not to mention these sheets made me never want to leave the bed.

Beside me was Draco. His bare back to me as he was still snuggled up in his blankets and I assumed asleep. I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around his torso. I took in his scent. It smelled just like the amortentia from potions class all those months ago.

Draco begins to stir. He shifts around to face me. "Morning."

I smile. "Morning." He presses a kiss to my lips. I rest my head in the crook of his neck. "You smell good."

He lets out a laugh. "You like the smell of pool water?"

"I like the smell of your shampoo and cologne." I say. "But the pool water does add an extra distinct smell."

He smiles. "I should probably shower then. I don't want you to waste your time smelling pool water when you could be smelling that expensive cologne you bought me."

I hummed in response. "My last bathroom experience didn't go quite so well."

"Why's that?" He raises a brow.

"I was crying and couldn't breathe. I probably looked insane." I felt insane.

He lifts me up by my hips until we are sitting up together. He brushes a piece of hair out of my face. "Well, there will be none of that this time. Not in my bathroom."

"Your bathroom?" I raise a brow in question.

He smirks. "You think I'd let you get away from me so quickly?" My hands wrap around his neck as he wraps my legs around his waist. He kisses me as he stands up. He carries me into the bathroom with him and sets me down on the counter. He leaves me only to turn on the shower.

Once the steam starts to rise and I hear the water running, he returns to me. He picks me up once more and carries me into the shower with me. The warm water sent a wave of pleasure through me. It relaxes my muscles. It relaxes my mind.

I sigh in what sounds almost like relief as the water runs over me. I close my eyes soaking up the peace I'm feeling. It has been a long time since I've felt this at rest.

Draco stands behind me. Despite him seeing me completely naked for the first time last night, I don't feel embarrassed or ashamed that he can see me now once again. He puts as slick substance on his hands before running them through my hair.

"Is that shampoo?"

"How else am I supposed to wash your hair?" He says. I close my eyes as his fingers run through my hair, massaging my scalp. "Does it feel good?" I nod, not wanting him to stop. "Better than last night?" He asks with a smirk. I splash him with water.

He rinses my hair out under the water before beginning to wash my body. He runs his hand over my bare skin. He kisses the back of my neck as he massages my shoulders.

Once he finished with me I did him. I rubbed soap along his chest. His hands find my face and pull me in for a deep kiss. He pushed me against the shower wall. His hands run down my body as they reach my thighs. He lifts them up and I straddle him as our lips crash on each other.

By the time we get out of the shower it's nearly afternoon. I wrap a towel around my body, Draco does the same. We sit together on the floor as he brushes the tangles out. He uses the nonverbal spell I used last night to dry my hair. He runs his fingers through it before starting to move it in a pattern.

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