~Summer~ Ginny's Heist

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There was fire. A lot of fire. It all started when I started playing catch with Rose. She was now way to big to even hide. It was a pretty awkward conversation with Draco's parents about how I burned the shed down and how I have a pet dragon. Need to say they weren't pleased. But now Rose had gotten a cold. How she got a cold in the middle summer? Beats me. All I know is that when she sneezes a inferno comes out. Draco had gone to Diagonal Alley to get medicine before she burned down the Manor. I now didn't even care if I used my wand or not. It was fifteen more minutes before Draco was back. I force fed it into her mouth, which was hard considering all her new teeth. A house later she had stopped sneezing fire and went back to normal. I stared at her as she rolled over and took a nap. I take a seat next to Draco and lay my head on his shoulder.

"Why did I think a dragon was a good idea?" I ask him closing my eyes from exhaustion.

"Better than imaginary horses." He responds. I lift my head off his shoulder and cross my arms.

"They're real! You just can't see them!" I protest for the hundredth time.

"Plus I got a new pet that's you'll like better." I tell him. His eyes wide.

"I swear if you tell me it's some kind of troll or something..." I roll my eye.

"No." I grab a little creature digging in food on the ground. "His name is Snuffles. He's a niffler."

"A niffler?" He says with raised eyebrows "What the hell is a niffler?"

"Its a small creature that is non dangerous and loves shiny things. Especially gold." I explain. He muttered something like 'great' but I was to busy trying to feed it. After a while we start to head back inside. I head upstairs and start to pack my trunk. I had been planing this for weeks. Draco was supposed to take care of Rose and Snuffles while I escaped. I had told the Malfoy's I was going to Lucille's. It wasn't a total lie. Me and Lucille had been planning this for a while. See she really wanted to start acting like a rebel Slytherin (Which was kinda odd and sudden but I went with it anyway) and I wanted to go visit Ginny and the Weasleys. So the plan was that I would say I was staying with her for a week but really I would go to her house and the go to the Weasleys then head back from there all my floo powder. It was pretty genius If I say so myself. I grab my trunk and head down stairs. I've had to do a lot of things by myself now since Dobby was freed. Lopsey my old personal house elf had been moved to Dobbys spot in the kitchen. The Malfoy's didn't feel a need to get a new one for me which I didn't really mind. Now I hadn't told Draco all the details of the plan or the part about me going to the Weasleys. It wasn't because I didn't trust him...it was just he could accidentally tell his parents. That and I don't think he would be to fond of me at the Weasleys. This actually was all Ginny's idea. Ginny had been sending letters to Astoria that she sent to me so it wouldn't look suspicious and I wouldn't get in trouble for talking to so called "Blood Traitors".

I grab some floo powder next to the fireplace and drag my trunk into position.

"Leaving already?" Came a familiar voice, it belonged to Narcissa. I wanted to say I'm leaving because I want as much time away fro here. But I feel that wouldn't go over well. So instead I said this.

"Just thought I'd give you and Draco more alone time." With a playful wink before shouting 'Greengrass Residence'. A gulf of green smoke ingulfed me and I landed on the ground of a room I had never been in before.

"Nice landing." said a sarcastic voice. I feel a hand help me up.

"Don't mind Daphne she can be a bit moody." Astoria says and she helps me up. I dust the dirt off my outfit and fix my hair.

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