~Year 7~ Anhedonia

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Stealing the sword proved harder than expected. The remainder of September went by, and I was no closer to stealing it than I was at the beginning of September. The rumors about me continued to spread, and seemed to get worse by the day. But the students of Hogwarts had gotten more creative with their tricks. I now dodged hexes, flying objects and buckets of water in the hallway. Many tried to pick a fight with me but were left feeling extra hateful as I walked by them as if they didn't exist.

As for Draco Malfoy. We had continued on as if our small disagreement that night hadn't existed. I even decided to take his advice and perform my Head Girl duties. He still obliviously did more than me because I couldn't care less about that stupid title. But it did come with certain perks. Such as allowing me to wander the castle past curfew. That was when I planned to steal the sword.

It was the morning of October 1st when I was walking to the Great Hall for breakfast, I had come up with an idea to find out the password to Snape's office. I wanted to ask Ginny but the password would likely have changed by now and frankly, I wasn't positive she wouldn't hex me if I tried talking with her.

I was the last person to leave the common room. I had taken extra time hiding Snuffles and my necklace with him. Ever since Pansy found him two weeks ago, I've had to hide him extra hard. She nearly reported him as a rat infestation. Rather rude in my opinion. He looks nothing like a rat.

I was half way to the Great Hall when I was suddenly surrounded by Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. There leader, Zacharias Smith.

"Well, well, if it isn't the Heir of Slytherin herself." He mused, as his friends surrounded me on all sides. This only annoyed me, I was quite hungry and not in the mood to pick a fight. "Or should I call you Raelyn The Cruel, now? After all the stuff you've been doing around school." His face contorts into pure hatred.

I cross my arms and give him an unimpressed look. "I didn't do any of those things. They're just rumors because everyone hates me." I pointed to his Ravenclaw friend. "Ask him, he was there when I supposedly tortured a kid."

The Ravenclaw boy doesn't speak up. But instead someone from the back kicks in the back of my knee. Taken by surprise I stumble forward and barely catch my balance. Only for Zacharias's foot to connect with my shoulder, sending me flying to the ground.

I land with an 'oomph' and grumbling a string of curses. Zacharias towers over me giving me a nasty glare. "This is what you deserve you bitch face whore." Before I can fully process what's happening Zacharias has stepped aside and two of his friends walk up with a bucket of water before pouring it over my head.

It was always the water—wait, no, this wasn't just water. It was hot—very hot—too hot. I start screaming from pain as boiling water sizzles over my exposed skin. They're all laughing at me as I squirm in agony, my skin charring and blistering. Zacharias grabs one of my arms and scribbles words into it with his wand, like Umbridge. Blood drips from my arm stinging my white, blistered skin.

I'm still shrieking and trying to rub the burning sensation from my face and arms away, as Zacharias and his friends flee the scene. If the Dark Lord won, he would be the first I would kill. I would've just killed him now except half my body was blistered and burned, and was losing layers of skin rapidly.

But maybe I deserved this. After all I had done. I killed Dumbledore, indirectly letting the Carrows take over. Got Astoria tortured in class as well as Lavender. I had made life hell at Hogwarts. This was the least of what I deserved for the crimes I had committed.

"Hello Raelyn," A dreamy voice greeted me kindly. I glanced up slightly and saw Luna, Ginny and Neville. I give him an annoyed look. I didn't want to deal with them too. "Your skin is very burnt. Did you know that?"

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