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Everything has gone to absolute shit. When Daryl and I found the group again, everyone looked sad, standing around the vehicles, waiting for our answer.

We told the group that it had been a prison and would take us a while to clear it. Carol looked like she wanted to cry when I said that and it made me miserable knowing I let them down. Why does it feel like everything is always my fault?

"Should we do it?" Lori speaks up from beside the truck, a hand on her swollen belly. We all look at her before looking at Rick. I couldn't imagine the amount of pressure Rick must feel every day. You have a group of people looking to you for survival. Their life is in your hands, so is their blood. I shiver at the thought that there is people's blood on my hands.

"Well we can't stay out here." Rick's statement makes us all nod like he's the teacher and we're the students. It almost makes me laugh.

"And with Lori due soon we need somewhere." Hershel speaks up and Ricks face pales.

"We can clear the first part of it out." Daryl's usual silent voice speaks up causing everyone to look beside me.

I smile, "There was a huge chain link fence that blocks us from walkers and from the prison as well." 

Daryl nods, shifting closer to me. This makes me smile again. Carol raises an eyebrow at both of us before shifting her head back to Rick, a tight lipped smile forming on her face. "I think we should do it."

With everyone agreeing, we make our plan before attacking. It's easy really, park the cars right up to the gate, groups of two come in slowly, each group coming in then the next, kill the walkers, have a home. 

But with our group extremely hungry, tired, and down a man, we need to be careful. If anything happens to any of us, I don't know if I'll be able to handle it.

"You okay?" T-Dog asks me. I nod, sending him an ingenuine smile. Hershel, Glenn, Rick, and Daryl talk by the car, their backs facing all of us.

"You know you can talk about it right?" I look at the tall man beside me confused. What is he talking about now? When I first met the group I instantly knew I liked T-Dog. His funny and light energy always makes any stressful situation feel easy. And as someone who pretends to be as happy as I wish I could be, I admire him.

"About what?"

"Your feelings, you know it's alright to have those right." I nod my head rapidly, feeling my ears go hot.

"I have feelings, I show them." This makes Carol snort next to me. "What?"

"Scarlet and showing feelings don't belong in the same sentence, ever." I cross my arms across my chest.

"I don't think I've ever seen you cry since I've known you." T-Dog agrees, also crossing his arms.

"Okay, so?"

"So, you suck at communicating how you feel and we're all left wondering if you're some type of robot." I put my hand up.

"Carol, this feels personal." Both of them laugh "See I do show emotions, I make you guys laugh." Carol shakes her head, still laughing while making her short hair to slightly bounce in the air.

Before she can answer, Rick speaks up "We're going now." My gut instantly feels twisted, like a towel that has no water left. 

I know I was excited about the prison before but there's something about finally having somewhere to call home that's scary. Like somehow it'll be worse there then out here.

The group splits up, Rick, Carl, Lori, and Carol sitting in the truck, Glenn and Maggie in the other, and Hershel, Beth, T-Dog and I are all stuffed into the car. I can't help but feel jealous of Daryl, I wish I could just hop on a bike all by myself and go.

"I hope this place works out." Beth's quiet voice fills the car, causing T-Dog and I to look at her. Beth reminds me of what the world was like before all of this. Of innocence and kindness, she's not made for this world. I gulp, nodding at Beth before looking out the window.

My vision gets spotty as I stare out at the frost kissed world. The grass is high now, meaning hot weather should be coming soon. 

"Scarlet?" I hum, not paying attention to who's talking to me. T-Dog shifts beside me, a worried look on his face. I can feel Hershel watching us from the mirror but I ignore it.

"When those guys tried attacking us on the trail, you-" Beth sneezes, shocking me out of my haze.

"I what?" Hershel's eyes divert back to the road.

"You really don't remember much of it?" I shake my head twice, the action makes me dizzy.

"Well you sort of kept killing that guy" I look at him confused, my eyebrows furrowed. "Even after he was dead, Maggie had to get you to stop." I nod once this time feeling dizzy for another reason.

Looking back out the window, the car goes silent and I can feel Beth staring at me from the corner of my eye. Are they always doing this? Watching me.

"We're here." Hershel pulls the car into park right where we were instructed. My pulse runs short and I suck in a breath. This will either go well or one of us will end up hurt, there's no in between anymore.

The prison is pretty much crawling with walkers. The last time I saw anywhere near this many walkers was at the farm and we know how that went. A shiver runs through me while I open the door, T-Dog behind me.

I pull out my knife, gripping onto it tightly. Taking a deep breath, my steps become morphed into a sprint as I enter the chain linked box. The grass is cold against my shoes, the holes providing little to no insulation.

We stay like this for a while, all of us in a weird half circle, pushing the walkers past us. By the time the field is empty and the only walkers are either outside or in the courtyard, we're all out of breath.

I wave my arm in the air, signaling Lori to pull the truck into the field. Hershel follows soon after, pulling the little car in slowly.

Everything is going well, I hope it stays like this. A content smile forms on my face when I look around the group, everyone looks tired but less stressed then we we're just two minutes ago.

"You good?" Glenn stands next to me, the familiar face makes me smile.

"Are you?" Glenn laughs, rocking his body back and forth.

"I asked you first."

"Yeah but ladies first." We both laugh now.

"I'm good." I nod, looking at Glenn with a smile.

"How's Maggie?" Glenn looks around for a moment until he finds Maggie, a clear blush falling onto his face.

I roll my eyes, falling into laughter again. I've known Glenn my whole life and I've never seen him this happy with someone. Of course it had to be during the end of the world though, Glenn just never knows how to do something the normal way.

"What?" He smacks my arm and I put my hands up.

"You guys are cute, that's all." Glenn makes a shocked face before nodding.

"Who would've thought that any of this would happen to us." Glenn wipes his hands on his pants and smiles. "Is it bad to say that I'm happy?"

I shake my head "No."

"I just feel guilty."

"For being happy?" My question comes out sharper than I wanted, the atmosphere of the conversation gets heavy, I always have this problem, I suck at talking to people, being able to read the vibe of the room.

"You know you don't always have to be happy all the time." Glenn looks back at me.

"You just said you feel guilty when you're happy now you're telling me I don't always have to be?" I shake my head, "I'm confused."

"Well if I feel guilty when I'm genuinely happy" Glenn takes a long breath, like he's worried to say what he's going to say next, "I couldn't imagine what you feel, having to fake it all the time." 

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