𝙨𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙖𝙗𝙮

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Running up the old wooden stairs, my heart pounds tightly against my chest. I should be used to this by now, but nothing can prepare you for what happens next.

Daryl swings the doors open, revealing Rick standing with his gun pointed, Sasha and Maggie beside him. What surprises me isn't the guns but who they're pointed at. I instantly freeze in my tracks, my chin bobbing.

How the hell did he survive?

He turns slowly, even though Rick yells at him not too, and when he sees me, the widest grin forms on his skinny face. My jaw tightens, the grip on my knife doing the same.

"Oh hello" he sighs dramatically, more of his people are scattered around the church. They all have our guns pointed at them but that can change quickly. Where's Judith?

My eyes scan frantically but come up short. "Let's continue our conversation" Rick demands, anger seeping through his face. My heart races, my eyes still searching for the baby.

"What did you do to Bob?" Sasha asks, a tone in her voice that I've never heard her use. The past couple days, while I've been busy trying to heal, and then busy getting drunk, I've been mostly keeping to myself. Obviously I knew Sasha during the prison, but we were never close.

I heard about Bobs disappearance but only parts of it. And even then, I was too tired and weak to help.

"Oh your little friend, we have him with us would you like to reunite?" His voice is just as creepy as his face, chills running up my entire body. He reminds me of my dad.

He turns his head, signaling one of his people with the twitch of his nose, before turning back towards me. Our people shuffle closer, Daryl shaking with anger  beside me.

"I'm surprised to see you alive" he smiles, "but I guess you probably are thinking the same thing about me aren't you?"

I stand motionless, my hands placed in front of me in tight fists. My face has no emotions, I won't give him the satisfaction. But he begins to ramble again.

"You seem smart Scarlet" the sound of my name makes Daryl take a step closer, practically pressing up against me. Not the time Daryl. "Why are you letting men protect you, it's not like you needed it when you were with that girl."

Maggie's eyebrow raises, and I realize the only person I told was Michonne. Everyone else knows because they were in the room that day, watching as I got beat almost to death. "Don't talk about her" she says, strictness in her voice makes Glenn shift closer as well.

"Oh you two were the parents?" He almost giggles, as if he's solving a puzzle. "And she couldn't keep your daughter alive?" He looks back at me again, shaking his head this time. "How pathetic."

"And yur not?" Daryl mumbles beside me, motioning towards the other people surrounding us. "Ya hide behind people who'd do anythin you say just cuz they have no where else to go."

A grin forms on my face and I don't try to stop it. Instead I let it grow, practically shoving it in his creepy little face.

Sometimes I wish things could go my way. At least once. Standing beside Daryl, my shoulders shake as the cold night air fans my face.

The grip I have on Judith only hardens, forcing her closer towards me. I always told Rick I'd do anything to keep his children safe.

Carl stands beside Daryl, his arm swinging backwards as his pointy knife pierces into a walkers gooey head.

I wish I could help them but I'm too shaken up. Instead I clutch onto the baby pressed into my chest. Somehow she sleeps peacefully even with walkers groaning all around her. Honestly wish I could be a baby right now.

𝘐𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 // 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘭 𝘋𝘪𝘹𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now