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I can still taste the feeling of dread that pooled from me as I stood in front of my mom, looking down at her cold and sick body. I shivered as my eyes drifted from her emotionless face to her clutched fist. In her sick and hazy state, unable to see properly, she mistook me for my dad.

The second I walked into the room her hand formed into a ball, clutching at the blanket placed upon her by the nurses. She was as afraid as I was.

"Mom?" My young voice was shaky as I took a step closer, wishing she could understand what was happening. That I wasn't him.

She didn't say anything, instead her fist opened and she reached slightly closer to me. I didn't hesitate, rushing to engulf her hand in my own. "Mom?" I repeated, knowing she can't answer.

Tears flooded my eyes, making it hard to see her. Thunder boomed, the biggest storm of the year had hit that day and it made me jump. I watch as my mother points to the window, a smile on her face. My mom always liked the rain. 

The trees that were left unharmed by the storm stand tall against the morning sun. Birds fly over my head, mocking me as I try, and fail, to find food.

I've only been out here for an hour now but it feels like forever. My stomach cramps with emptiness and I have to shake the feeling of passing out as I take cautious steps, trying not to scare any animals. If there is any.

I'm not far from the barn but there's already an empty and longing feeling clouding my head. We've all been forced to be together at all times since leaving the church and now that I'm away from them, I realize just how much we've all grown closer. 

Watching as the trees ahead of me sway in the wind, something blue catches my eye. It's gone just as quickly as it flashed by the trees but I follow towards it, curiosity guiding me.  When I come upon the tree, nothing's there but a large footprint engraved in the mud below. 

I'm being watched. There's someone out here. My heart rate picks up and I clutch my hands into fists tightly at my sides. It was too fast to be a walker but too slow and messy for it to be a major threat. This person either didn't know I could see them or wanted to be seen, either way, I need to find them before they find the rest of the group. Before they get to Carl or Judith. 

Following the footsteps leading away from the tree, they stop suddenly and I look up. In front of me is a large bush, it's plump leaves shaking slightly and yet again, I see a flash of blue. I stay standing, not daring to move as I look at the bush in front of me. I know they know I can see them but I'm willing to see what they do first. 

Ten seconds go by and I stay standing like a statue, only moving to lift my hand to my knife as the bush ruffles violently, the top of a mans head peaking up. His curly hair is almost ginger in the bright sun, the brown locks clean. He even smells good, he has showered recently. 

Once his whole body is out off the bush, I motion my head to my hand hovering over my knife and he picks up on it, instinctively raising his hands into the air.  His voice is shaky as he speaks, "I don't want any trouble." 

Tilting my head, I let my eyes drift over him, looking for any signs of a weapon but I don't see any. "How long have you been following me for?" My voice comes out darker than usual, warning the stranger shaking in front of me. 

"I wasn't-" A sigh leaves the mans lips and he places his hand to his forehead. This is the cleanest person I've seen in months. I almost feel insecure in front of him. "I've been following for a week now." 

𝘐𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 // 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘭 𝘋𝘪𝘹𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now