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"I'm bored" Carl sighs as he sits next to me, placing his hat on top of the metal table. Maggie and Glenn just left and after our first encounter with Rick, Hershel went off to check up on him. Leaving only Daryl, Beth, Axel, Oscar, and of course, me. I guess we're not the most fun to Carl because he's been complaining about how bored he is for almost an hour.

Daryl mumbles something under his breath, I think I heard something along the line "This is why I never want to have kids" but maybe my ears are playing with me. I just smile at Carl, picking up his hat and placing it on his head, I sit up quickly and hold my hand out for him to take.

Once his small hand is in between mine, I walk over to Daryl, "You're coming with us." I state, an eyebrow raises on Daryl's face but he nods anyway, picking up his crossbow and following behind us like a puppy. He's my bitch.

"Where are we going?" Carl's voice booms off the walls as we walk down the dark hallways, they still smell but at least this time I won't have to chop someone's leg off.

"We" I use my pointer finger to point between the three of us, "Are going to finally clear that hallway." Carl's face lights up, he's the one who's been complaining about how bad it is down here. Apparently when he went to retrieve Hershel's supplies for his leg, he almost got bit.

I shiver at the thought of losing Carl. I think that would be the last straw for me, especially after Lori and Carol. T-Dogs big smile pops up in my brain and I shiver again, earning a firm hand on my lower back.

I turn my neck to make eye contact with Daryl, he winks before moving his hand lower. He keeps talking to Carl and Carl continues to clear rooms but I'm too focused on his hand.

"I'm gonna go down the hall" Carl whisper yells, taking fast steps until he's out of view. I take this time to move away from Daryl's grasp and give him a confused look. He gives me an identical look in return, moving closer to me again. 

The noise of a door creaking nearby interrupts me before I can question Daryl. Instead we both look at each other and nod, he hits his crossbow against the tall door once, then twice when there's no response. I press a firm hand against the cold metal and push, revealing a dark closet.

It doesn't take me long to see Carol sitting on the ground. She's paler than usual and her clothes are filthy. There's a part of me that makes me look around the room for T-Dog but she shakes her head and frowns as Daryl picks her up by the shoulders. 

"What happened?" I ask breathlessly, Carl is back now, a shocked look on his face while he stands next to me. 

Carol explains everything as we walk back and soon we're at the cells. I watch as Daryl slowly places her on a bed, a loose tear slipping out of my eye. I catch it in between my fingers quickly, looking down at my wet fingers in confusion.

 I can feel someone watch me while I walk away, still staring at my fingers. I take quick strides, trying to flee. The sunlight blinds me at first but once my eyes adjust I smile at the fresh air.

Glenn and I used to spend almost every moment outside, our moms used to get angry at us for it. I watch the walkers along the fence, their growls are loud and rumble something inside my chest. I walk to the gate slowly, my boots thumping against the ground. Carl said he was bored this morning, I guess I am too.

When I approach them I stand still for a moment, watching their arms reach out for me, trying to grasp onto me. There's three of them in front of me, a skinny woman is in the middle. Her clothes stink and the once green skirt she is wearing is ripped at the bottom, blood staining it completely. Her blonde hair seems to be intact though, swaying when she tries to clasp onto the fence.

𝘐𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 // 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘭 𝘋𝘪𝘹𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now