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"Mom?"  I asked as I pulled on her long dress, it pooled at the bottom, the pink fabric sprawled out on the concrete. She looked at me, smiled and nodded. "Why does Glenn's dad never yell but daddy yells all the time?" Her smile faded slightly but her demeanor never changed. Instead, her shoulders rose a little higher as she answered me. 

"Glenn's very lucky."  I gave her a confused look, my chubby fingers running through my curls. 

"I'm not?" It came out as a squeak and my mother was quick to shake her head no, placing her hand on top of my own. 

"We're different honey, that's what makes all of us special." She smiled, wrapping a finger around one of my ringlets placed upon my exposed shoulder. "If we were all the same we'd think the same" She paused for a second, a grin formed. "Do you really want to think like Glenn all the time?" 

"Glenn?" I whisper, my heart raising slightly when he doesn't answer right away. We've only been here for less than an hour and in that time, we've already gone through the basics, mapped out the two houses they gave us, and made a game plan of the sleeping arrangements. It was my idea to sleep together. They either gave us two houses as a part of their game or they think we have too many people for one, either way, they can't split us up that easily. 

Walking around the back of the house, I stare at the high metal wall beside me and shiver. It's mostly dark out now, people have already gone to sleep, and in the dark, the town almost seems creepier somehow. When I turn the corner Glenn stands with Daryl and Rick and they all turn and nod to me. 

"Nothing, I think we would have caught something by now anyway." I grumble, rubbing the back of my neck with the palm of my hand. Rick's certain they must have given these houses to us on purpose. I just think I want sleep at this point. 

"Alright then we stick together tonight, figure out more in the morning." Rick instructs, taking steps towards the house. "You guys shower yet?" 

"No, while you were busy getting your hair done we were busy being spies." I send him a jealous glare and he rolls his eyes and smiles. 

"Well you better go now then I'm pretty sure I heard Eugene wants to go next and you never know how long that guy will take." The thought of shampoo running through his mullet before my own hair makes me shiver, falling into a sprint. 

I can hear them laugh behind me as I swing the front door open, causing the rest of the group to look up from their sleeping bags worried. "Nothing-" I gasp for air, "No bad" I manage out, sprinting down the hall. 

When I make it to the bathroom I don't even think twice, body checking Eugene. He lets out a loud cry, "Why did you do that Scarlet?" His tone was one of someone who just had their hopes and dreams crushed but I don't care. That shampoo is mine. 

"I shower first." My eyes are wide and my fist is balled in his face. He only nods, sighing as he walks back to the rest of the group with his towel slung over his shoulder. Giggling to myself over my victory, I turn the light on in the bathroom and instantly gasp. 

I don't think I've been in a bathroom this nice since that one time I went on a school trip and we stayed at a hotel. There's a chuckle behind me and I swear I think there's a ghost in the room with me till I hear the door close, his hand falling onto my bear shoulder. Goosebumps fall up my arm like a shock wave as his breath hits my neck. 

"Gonna take a shower?" He whispers, tucking curls behind my ear. 

"Fought Eugene for it, so yeah." He chuckles again and I turn to face him. A smile falls on my face when we make eye contact, all the worries in my head suddenly going silent. It's just me and him. 

𝘐𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 // 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘭 𝘋𝘪𝘹𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now