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Rain thumped against the windows as we drove silently. I keep turning my head slowly, trying to steal glances at Daryl, but by the time my eyes meet his, he's already looking at me.

There's a glint of remorse in his blue eyes but it's hard to tell when the rest of his face is solid like a statue. I cough a few times, the awkwardness of this situation is strong enough to make me choke.

"Daryl." I yell, my eyes wide. I'm done with the silent treatment. He looks over at me quickly, his eyes furrowed.

"Scarlet?" Hearing my name come out of his mouth makes something in my chest ting. Moving so I'm facing him in the passenger seat, my eyes wander to the road and the van ahead of us before landing back on Daryl. "Pull over."

He doesn't question it and Rick doesn't seem too surprised either, driving away from us without falter.

 My mind rambles as I watch him turn his body towards me, leaning an arm on the head rest.

"You left." It comes out quietly and my voice shakes.

"I'm sorry."

Daryl Dixon telling you he's sorry is the same as seeing a unicorn; it never happens and when it does, you have to blink a few times to make sure it's really happening. That's what I do and I probably look like a freak, sitting in front of him, blinking rapidly. 

"I get why you did it" I take a deep breath, looking at the road for a second. I don't need to cry right now. I need to get my point across, not become a faucet. "But if you ever do that again" I press a single finger into his chest. "I won't be here to save your ass, in fact I'll let the walkers eat it for dinner."

This makes him nod quickly, latching his arm around my wrist. He holds it in the air for a moment, like he's thinking about what he's going to do next.

"What, I don't even get a, "I missed you" or anything?"

I'm stopped short by his lips crashing into mine, good thing we're parked. When we break away from the kiss I lick my lips, still looking at his. I don't care about anything suddenly.

Obviously he doesn't either because he dives in for another, our tongues fight for a moment but he wins. Instead I bite his lip, running my hands through his hair and desperately wishing the middle console wasn't a thing. The rain still thuds against the windows loudly, adding background music.

As our kiss gets more heated, Daryl's hand slides to my breast, pressing a rough hand into the t-shirt. I moan in response, my thighs tingling. "Are you gonna do something or just stare Daryl?" This makes him whimper in response, diving into the back seat.

He reaches his arm out for me to take and I do, happily following him.

I'm on top of him, my legs on either side of his waist. I grin down at him as I begin to kiss his clothed body. When I make it near his pants he squirms, his hips bucking upward. I giggle, playing with the hem of his jeans before motioning for him to take it off.

He follows orders quickly and soon he's fully naked below me. I take my time, inspecting the man I thought about so often. I never expected him to look this good though. His chest is buff and tan, slight tattoos here and there.

I kiss his waist down until I make it to his happy trail. I look up at him, placing his hands on the bottom of my shirt, telling him he can take it off. Everything happens so quickly and soon enough I'm butt naked too, below Daryl now. My hair fans out around me, my curls bouncing with every movement.

𝘐𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 // 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘭 𝘋𝘪𝘹𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now