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Do you ever feel like no matter what you do, the world is always against you? That's how I feel as I run down the stairs of the watchtower. My ears pound in my head, my eyes locked on the back of Daryl's head.

I'm not even sure I have a weapon on me. Just the clothing I'm wearing and the necklace around my neck. The second we saw him we didn't even think, just ran.

Daryl doesn't look behind him once, throwing the door open and running off into the courtyard. Huffing, I follow behind him. Making sure to keep my head down, I allow myself to scan the high grass.

All I can see is Rick standing in the middle, alone in front of the governor. The second my eyes meet the governors and he catches me in the grass he raises his hand, signaling me to come over. Rick looks at him confused before turning slightly, also noticing me.

I stiffen, looking between Daryl's retreating body and Rick.

Every decision I've made leads to this one right now. Do I go to Rick, possibly save others and throw myself in danger. Or do I choose Daryl, the safe option, the option I've always chosen.

I blink back a tear and turn, running towards Rick quickly. I can see him shake his head, obviously unhappy with my decision.

"Look who it is!" The governor yells, licking his lips. His grip on the sword loosens slightly, Hershel's sweaty head glistening below.

I nod my head slowly at him and he does the same, a smile forming on the old man's face. "Didn't think you'd see me again?" I put my hands on my hips, shooting the governor a glare.

"Not really" he laughs and I suck in a breath. "But I guess you love to prove me wrong don't you?"

"What do you want?"

This makes him laugh again, pointing to the prison behind us. "I just want what everyone else wants"

"Yeah well you're not just anyone."

"Oh yeah, who am I?"

I squint my eyes, noticing Rick shift beside me. His hand slowly moved towards his gun. "Dead."

The second the word comes out shooting fires into the air. Rick and I both duck, more bullets flying our way. I can hear screaming but I don't know why.

"Scarlet?" Rick screams beside me, a pistol in his hand. I take it quickly, shooting towards the fire. We're still in the grass, close to the courtyard but still too far.

Shooting continues until we all hear a big boom, their tank finally going off. Watching as it plows down our fence, their people running towards us, Rick yells again, telling me to go find Carl and Judith.

My legs work fast and I have to ignore the stinging as I reach the courtyard. Well the once courtyard, now it looks like nothing but a graveyard. Littered in both walker bodies and human bodies. It smells like ammunition and blood.

Yelling out Carl's name, I duck, dodging bullet after bullet. But I don't hear him or see him. Did he already leave? Crouching behind a garbage bin, I notice Maggie is already gone. Shit is everyone leaving?

My anxiety flares as I whip my head around, trying to find someone, anyone that I know. But it's empty. The tank is left smoking, walkers groaning as they walk around the newly abandoned prison. Surely someone would have looked for me?

Standing up slowly, I position the pistol in front of me with a deathly grip. It shakes as I take slow and quiet steps. I don't know where I'm going but I need to find Carl. Or even Glenn.

𝘐𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 // 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘭 𝘋𝘪𝘹𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now