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ᴛᴡᴏ ᴍᴏɴᴛʜꜱ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ.. SMUT WARNING :O

He wraps his hands around my waist, lifting my hips to slip off my pants. Everything he's doing is rushed, his breathing loud and fast. Bringing his lips to mine again, Daryl moans into the kiss, my tongue swirling around his. "Please Scar, I need ya." He whines. He sounds as if he's in pain, staring down at me laying on the bed. 

I'm fully naked now, looking up at him with a smile. My cheeks are rosy and I'm nervous as he gets closer, licking his lips. Resting both hands on either sides of my head, he inches closer to me, suddenly our skin meeting each other. It's a quick touch, his hand gliding from my shoulder to my thigh. Letting out a quiet sigh as his fingers get closer and closer, my breath hitches when his thumb rubs over my wet clit, gently swirling circles. 

His eyes never leave mine as he pushes a finger inside of me and I let out a moan, arching my back. His pace is slower now, as if he wants to savior this moment. "Daryl." I moan, lifting my hips against his hand for more friction. He grins, dropping his hand. I look at him with a frown, my eyebrows furrowed. "Why'd you stop?" I whisper, my breath shaky. 

He's still in the same position, hovering above me with a smug smirk on his face. Suddenly he reaches his hands to the back of my thighs, lifting them over his shoulders. I'm not confused anymore as he lines himself up, pushing into me harshly. I let out a moan, clawing at the bed underneath me. Daryl begins pumping in and out of me at a slow but deep pace and neither of us seem to be able to keep it up much longer. "Look at me Scar, I need to know how good I make ya feel." He whispers, his hands palming my hips roughly. 

With one last grunt from both of us, we both come. I stay laying, staring at the ceiling above me as Daryl rolls to the side, laying next to me. My whole body is tingling as I stare at the white roof, trying to catch my breath and come back to my senses. "Ya k?" He mumbles, rolling to face me. I turn my head and stare at him in a haze, my eyes only half way open. He chuckles, bringing a hand to my face and rubbing it over my cheek. 

"Yur so damn beautiful." He whispers, bringing his lips to my forehead. I close my eyes and sigh loudly as he does this, a smirk forming on my lips. "So are you." I reply, bringing a shaky hand to his hair. We stare at each other for a while, smiles on our faces, both lost in thought. 

"Scar I want to ask ya somethin-" 

The door flies open and both of us jump, Daryl rushes to pull the blanket over us and luckily he does. "Where did you put my laundry?" Abraham asks, standing in the doorway with a grin on his face as he looks us over. My eyes go wide and I shake my head, clutching onto the blanket resting just above my exposed chest. 

"Why would she know?" Daryl spits back at my ginger friend, obviously mad at Abraham for interrupting our alone time. We can't seem to get a lot of it recently. I place a hand on Daryl's chest, signaling for him to remain calm as best as he can. 

"I've been doing loads of laundry for people to stay busy." I reply, smiling down at him. He rolls his eyes, staring back at the giant in our doorway. "It's just drying outside, let me get dressed and I'll go get it for ya." I smile at Abraham and he nods, shutting the door loudly. I shake my head, sitting up slowly. 

"I didn't know yur a maid now." Daryl mumbles, standing from the bed and making his way over to his boxers. As he pulls them on he goes on about how he can't believe I'm doing other peoples chores for them and I silently listen, used to his huffing and puffing, as I get dressed myself. "R they at least payin ya?" 

I giggle, pulling my shirt over my head. "You're something else Daryl Dixon." 

𝘐𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 // 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘭 𝘋𝘪𝘹𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now