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I've always hated the smell of a car that hasn't been cleaned in a while. It's indescribable. Like moldy cheese but with more mold. Like cat pee that sat for too long.

Taking the knife out of my pocket, I twirl it in my hand, looking out the window at the cloudy world. It's been raining the whole car ride and a storm seems to be coming. It's just Rick and I in the car, the two chosen ones to save Daryl and maybe Merle, if he's lucky.

After a pale Rick came and told me Daryl was in trouble, I followed him to a metal bench and sat down beside him, listening to everything he had to say, which wasn't much. Just that they had come across a small group of people. The leader was a skinny man that didn't say anything about Daryl and Merle joining them for the night but the second Daryl tried taking something to eat, he stuck a knife in Merle's face and told the others to tie them up.

They obviously aren't smart though, only tying their feet and hands with rope, loose enough for him to signal us with the walkie.

"You get the plan?"

I nod, smirking "Yes dad."

He punches my shoulder as he parks. We're  told it's somewhere near the lake that's the last thing he heard before the line went dead. 

I step out of the old car and thankfully fresh air hits me instantly. It's moist and almost thick since it just rained. I stretch my arms and crack my back, putting my hair up in a pony with the elastic band Beth kindly gave me before I left.

The plan is easy. For Rick at least. He would sneak around the camp and find Daryl and Merle while I distracted the group. We don't know the size of the group but it can't be that big... hopefully.

Sticks crunch below my feet as we follow along the lengthy lake, more like river, the air is still cool and suddenly I wish I wore more than just a t-shirt.

 Rick's eyes suddenly go wide beside me. Suddenly he's jumping on me, taking me to the ground with him. I go to swear but he presses a hand to my mouth, pointing at something above my head. I widen my eyes and release his hand. Huffing, I lift my head slowly and am equally as surprised when I spot two tents around a campfire and two trucks behind them.

Merle's facing us and spots us with a smirk. I almost regret coming here but when I spot a sliver of Daryl's shoulder I smile.

 "The plan?" I whisper, the smile never leaving my face. I feel like a giddy little kid.

Rick nods and starts crouching away from me, taking quiet movements. My turn. I stand up, taking a deep breath before plastering a fake scared look on my face. I even shake a little. Someone give me an oscar.

 There's a woman sitting on a lawn chair by the fire, a kid beside her. A man's on the chair next to her and another one is standing, a gun in his hand. I know this can't be it. Certainly Daryl would have been able to figure this out himself?

"There's a woman!" The little girl screeches, pointing her little finger my way. I stop suddenly, almost forgetting the plan but I keep it up, letting a few fake tears run down my face.

"Don't take another step!" The man who was once sitting is now walking towards me, studying me. I put my hands up, making sure to keep them shaking. I need them to think I'm hopeless and afraid. 

"I won't hurt anyone." My voice doesn't sound like my own as I raise the pitch, completely hiding my accent and even making it wobbly. I seriously should have been an actor.

"You all alone?" The other man, a short man with a wide frame, sticks his gun in my face.

I nod, still faking a scared look on my face. I feel a small hand on my leg and I look down at the little girl who is now staring up at me, studying my face. She's very pretty with long brown hair and thick eyebrows. She almost looks like a mini me. This makes me genuinely smile.

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