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There's something calming about the wind. As it glides through my hair, causing curls to swirl around in the air, I smile, closing my eyes and taking a deep inhale. All other noise fizzles out to a mere mumble as I stand in the street , my eyes closed like a crazy lady. We've been on a run for hours, just Daryl and I, and for some reason, we're both getting on each others nerves. 

In one sense I feel nostalgic, like it's just how it was in the beginning. Us alone, yet hating each other so much. In another, I want to run up and strangle Daryl. Ever since we rolled out of bed this morning, he's been acting off. And no matter how much prying I do, he doesn't seem to want to tell me what's wrong. 

So I stand, taking deep breaths with my eyes closed, as he grumbles some bullshit behind me. He has his whole body practically inside the car as he tries to check something that has to do with oil, beats me. "Scar?" He yells and I turn around. 

"what?" Making my way over, I sigh and rest a hand on the car, looking down at the machine in front of me. I have absolutely no idea what to do. 

"Can you hold this?" He hands me a wrench and I smile, something I do know. The sound of a walker nearby makes me tense, looking my head around I giggle at the fact that Daryl doesn't even bat an eyelash, bending down to continue what he was doing. 

"They still scare ya?" He asks a bit mumbled. I nod even though he can't see it and keep my eyes steady on the three walkers slowly walking towards us in the distance. "I don't understand why, they just do." I answer, my eyes dropping back to Daryl. 

"Hand me the wrench." He instructs, reaching his arm towards me. I just shake my head no, walking away from him slowly. He calls out my name but I continue walking, swinging the first walker in the head harshly. It instantly takes it down and I swing my arm back just as it's about to get bit by another one. 

"Scar!" He yells, the sound of his heavy boots get closer. Just as the last one falls to the ground, Daryl's beside me, staring at me silently while he breaths heavily. "What's wrong with ya, ya almost just got yurself bit." Daryl continues to yell. 

I shush him, turning so my back is facing him. I stare at the woods in front of us. "What's up with you today?" I ask. "Something's wrong so don't bullshit me anymore." 

Daryl groans, sighing. "Nothin Scar, I'm gonna go fix the car." 

"No, you're gonna stand here and tell me what's wrong, we always do this." I swing myself around, "We say what's wrong but we never actually talk about it, so tell me what's wrong and actually talk to me, I just want to help you Daryl." My voice grows louder. 

"Nothin is wrong, leave it alone!" He yells back, picking up the wrench from the ground. "Yur one to talk, always doin dumb shit just cuz somethin aint goin right." 

I gasp, making a confused face. "I don't, those walkers needed to be killed so I did." 

He shakes his head. "What if that walker really did just bit ya, huh I bet you never thought about that before you do somethin, ya don't think about anyone else but yurself sometimes." He turns his back to me, breathing heavily as he walks back towards the car. 

I stand motionless, sighing. I try to do everything for everyone maybe I've just grown selfish instead? But I haven't and this isn't like us. We don't fight. 

"Daryl Dixon" I strut towards him, shaking my head. "Do you remember the time you left with your brother right after you just kissed me?" He looks at me confused, leaning his back against the car. "I forgave you. " I point my pointer finger at him, pressing it into his chest. "Do you remember the time you made me move after having a nightmare because it was disturbing your sleep." I laugh at this, still shocked by his actions even after all this time. "You have done nothing but push me away when something is bothering you and I thought that after all this time you were finally over that but apparently you aren't." 

𝘐𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 // 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘭 𝘋𝘪𝘹𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now