𝖦𝗈𝗈𝖽 𝗆𝗈𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀

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DARYLS POV: (smut)

My eyes snap open, my body instantly jolting upwards. Scar's sleepin body lifts with mine, her small hand still balled into a fist upon my chest.

I smile down at her like a fool, slowly fallin back so I won't wake her. Scarlets hair falls down her back, hidin most of her face, and completely coverin my whole chest, shoulders, and some of my stomach.

I told her she should cut it a couple days ago. I didn't want to, her perfect ringlets swing around when she runs, a constant tease to go to her and wrap my hands in it.

It feels like Scar and I have finally figured us out. Like we're finally locked in. I just wish we weren't runnin all the damn time.

It's dark outside, which helps me sneak away, lightly placin scarlets head on the ground beside me as I stand up.

We slept outside again, just like last night and the night before. Somehow I feel like this is all my fault, like I should be doin somethin. Like I could do more if I just tried harder.

And my brother's voice always remains in the back of my head, tellin me I ain't nothin to this group.

I know that voice is wrong but sometimes it's damn hard to remind myself.

Standin in front of our makeshift tent, I stand lookin outward, into the forest just out of reach. The road stands out thickly next to me, another reminder that this peace and quiet is only temporary.

We got to stay near the road now cuz the herd is gettin too big to leave alone and Rick is loosing his shit over it.

I mean I get it, but he ain't the one stuck fightin it off when they come. He ain't the one that gotta watch as the woman I love fights em off, endangerin herself.

A shift in the tent causes me to shift, duckin my head inside to get a clear view of a very sleepy and grumpy Scar.

She yawns, stretchin her arms with a groan. I know she knows I'm watchin her but she ain't sayin nothin, instead she sits with her hair all wild, poofy like a bush, a deep scowl on her face.

It's not until I let out a loud chuckle that she looks up, her eyes still squinted.

"What do you want?" She mumbles, a smirk fightin to appear on her beautiful face. I could look at her face until my legs give out and my hair turns grey. I need to be able to know her for that long, to have her for that long.

Sittin up quickly, she scoots right in front of me, staring up at me with her big, dark eyes. I catch her eyes linger for a second, our current position everythin I've been dreamin of for months.

"Daryl?" She smiles, her hands climbin up to my thighs, restin on the jeans I'm wearin.

Coughin for a little, I find my voice, takin my own hand to her hair, runnin through it slowly, "Scar?"

Her eyes flash somethin naughty as her name lingers of my tongue. Her hands rubbin higher slightly.

"Is anyone else up?"

I shake my head quickly, lookin down at her as she smiles, bitin her lip as she pulls my zipper down, lookin up at me for permission. This makes me chuckle again, wrappin my hand around her curls loosely.

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