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It's been thirty days since I agreed to teach the kids and I honestly have been having a blast. Ava keeps the group on track, yelling at the kids when they start talking over me. And everyone seems to enjoy it, all of them hurdle themselves outside everyday, running to me with smiles on their little faces.

 For the rest of the prison, our lives have been going pretty good. I mean, we all work together. We have fresh water for drinking, showers even, and fresh food every day.

Rick has been farming like it's going out of style, the pigs wake me every morning, their snorts loud enough to be heard from the watchtower. Daryl and I claimed it as ours after the first night we spent in it.

The sun is glistening as I make my way through the grass and past the mini farm. I wave to Rick and he waves back, a huge smile on his face. After Lori I didn't think that any of this could be possible. I just wish she was here to see all of it. T-Dog too.

 Walking past the pig enclosure, they snort at me and I laugh. Something I also didn't think was possible after Lori. When I first approach the kids they are all running around, screaming their heads off at each other. The second Ava sees me her back straightens and she stops running. She gives me a half smirk while nodding, pressing both of her tiny hands around her mouth in a cup shape.

The second she starts yelling, every one of them stops what they're doing. I let out a quiet laugh. Ava is definitely not the little girl I found in those woods all that time ago. I don't know if it's because she's grown up or because of what she's seen before us, but I'd like to believe it's because Maggie was the one that took her in.

 "Alright, you guys know the drill." At my command they all get into formation, two rows in front of me. They start punching imaginary people in front of them and I correct their form. I don't know if Carol is right about this yet. Would they really need to know this?

After thirty minutes I call it quits, with the sun beaming down on me I feel dizzy and I don't need to scare twelve children. 

 I smile at all of them one last time before turning and walking off, my feet work quickly but my mind is hazy.


I look behind me, Ava stands with her arms at her sides, a concerned look on her tan face. "I mean Mrs. Dixon?" This makes me finally stop dead in my tracks.

"What's wrong Ava?"

"I've just been noticing you look quite sick lately, wanted to make sure you are okay."

A small smile forms on my lips, watching Ava's eyes go wide. "A-are you...crying?"

As soon as she says it I feel the tears running from my eyes and down my face. It starts with only two but as soon as Ava takes it as a sign to walk away, sobs rack my body.

 My legs wobble below me, swaying me from side to side as my vision gets cloudy.

Before I can scream for help, I am falling.

"Mom?" Why is Glenn yelling for his mom? Why does he sound so young? My head feels heavy and when I try to raise it, it falls against the hard tile I remember so well. Why am I here?

"Mom?" Glenn yells again, his voice and footsteps are frantic. His voice is squeaky, "Scarlet is hurt!" What? No I'm not, I passed out.

I hear a second voice, telling Glenn to sit me down on the couch. I feel Glenn's young hands grab my arms, pulling me up. How did he get strong enough to lift me? I try to say something, to tell him to put me down, but my lips don't move. If anything they seal shut. 

Once he gets me on the couch my eyes finally open. Glenn's pre pubescent face stares down at me, pimples and tiny mustache in all their glory. I try to say something again but he shakes his head before turning it. His eyes connect with his mothers and he stumbles a bit, allowing room for her.

When her eyes finally meet mine they are glossy and her face turns pale. What's wrong?

"You need to get the first aid kit." Her command does nothing to my friend. Glenn still stands beside me, shaking like a leaf. "Now, Glenn!"

"Scarlet can you hear me?" She asks, her voice is soothing. "Do you know what happened?"

I shake my head no and she only frowns more. "Scarlet honey, you were" A sob escapes and she quickly coughs another one away. "You were raped."

 I wake up with a jolt. My body is shaking rapidly, suddenly very cold. I can hear shuffling and worried voices but the room is empty. The usually busy makeshift library is silent besides the hallway. Their voices are muffled but I can hear Hershel shushing someone. As soon as I move my body towards the sound the door swings open and limps inside. I can see Glenn standing outside for a moment, rubbing his hands over his face.

Once the door shuts Hershel pulls a chair in front of me, sitting down with a huff. He scans over me with his eyes and I do the same. Why is he looking at me like that?

 He coughs twice, wrapping and unwrapping his arms nervously. "Scarlet?"

Scooting to the edge of the table, my legs dangle off. "Hershel?"

 "You know you're like a daughter to me, right?" His voice becomes shaky and I have to fight the urge to hug him. "I mean, you've been through lots." We make eye contact and I swallow hard.

"All of us have Hershel."

We both nod. The tension in this room is thick and I feel like I'm going to drown. "Hershel, what's wrong?"

 Completely ignoring my question, he sighs, "I know Glenn and you have known each other a while but he's not the only one who cares about you Scarlet." Hershel points at me "My daughters trust you, I trust you."

I nod but I don't understand. Not fully at least. Am I dying? Sure sounds like it.

 "Hershel please just tell me what's wrong" I finally get up from the table. Planting both of my feet firmly on the ground, I sway a bit before gripping onto a nearby shelf. Hershel just watches with a big frown.

Looking out the window, it's slowly becoming dark out. The only sounds filling the prison is laughter from children, conversation taking place over dinner. Then the silence in this room.

 "Is Daryl still gone?" He had gone on a run this morning. Since Rick is a farmer now, Daryl has had to step up. It's been nice to see him fall into place with these people. It really seems like everything is going perfectly.

Hershel nods slowly but I can tell by the way he's sitting that he's scared. "Okay Hershel, tell me already."

 "Scarlet you haven't been doing well for at least two weeks now?" His question sounds less like a question and more like a statement. Suddenly he sounds less like the old man I usually know and more like a doctor.

"And you've been dizzy like this?" I nod, fidgeting with the sleeve of my knit sweater. The white material is new, must be Maggie's. 

He reaches down, ruffling through his bag until he pulls out a white box. I realize what it is right away and suddenly I'm swaying again.

"I'm going to need you to do this." He stands slowly, coming over and placing a hand on my shoulder. My eyes are stuck wide. Both shocked and scared.


"You need to stay calm, Scarlet."

My eyes go even wider and Hershel takes two cautious steps back. "Calm?" I let out a nervous laugh, bringing my shaky hands to my face. "I'm calm."

I repeat myself, telling Hershel I am in fact calm when in reality I feel like I'm losing my shit.

Am I really...


𝘐𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 // 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘭 𝘋𝘪𝘹𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now