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Turns out life is more complicated than we could have guessed. I guess that's predictable when you're living in the apocalypse but when you've had a roof over your head for over a week and no sign of other life out there besides prisoners, you kind of forget normal human activities. Activities like war.

I know I can trust myself. It's others who scare me. Even as Daryl stands beside me, our hands rubbing against each other, I can feel my heart thump against my chest. We have been standing around the cell block, waiting for Rick's further instructions.

I was yelling only a minute ago, angry that Rick was actually considering waiting it out, seeing what would happen. I get that his wife just died and he hasn't been doing the best but nothing stands between me and Glenn, me and Maggie.

Letting out a sigh, I rub my hands on my jeans, my red tank top slipping a bit. Daryl watches my every move. I wish I could still be romantic after our make out sesh in front of the walkers but my anxiety is flared up causing me to act like an abused dog.

"We're going now." Rick's voice makes my eyes shut for a second, a slow blink that makes me realize how exhausted I am, how afraid for Glenn I truly am.

I pack quickly, only bringing the essentials since we'll be doing lots of running and I don't plan on being slow. I've never been without seeing Glenn for longer than a week my whole life and since all this, the longest I've gone has been an hour, this feels so strange.

I place a knife in between my fingers, studying the harsh blade. It's crazy to think I could be dead by the end of the night, any of us could me. Including the new girl, her sword slices through the air as she cleans it. I don't know if we can trust her yet but there's a feeling in my gut that makes me feel like I can.

I place the knife in the slot in my belt, placing the identical one next to it and my gun on the other side. The weight causes my jeans to sag a little but it won't matter when I'm running.

Beth comes up beside me, placing a soft hand on my rigid shoulder "You okay?" she almost sounds like she just cried. Looking down at her face, I can tell she had been. Her eyes are red around the edges and a few stains are visible on her cheeks.

"I'll bring her back, I promise." Sticking out my pinky, she giggles for a second before nodding and linking hers in mine.

"I believe in you Scarlet."

We stare at each other for a moment before I nod, giving her a small pat on her tiny back. The walk out to the car seems like it takes forever. Oscar volunteered to come with us and since we're down by lots, Rick agreed. He stands leaned against the tiny car, his large frame taking most of it up.

"Dad?" I watch as Carl speaks to his dad, a smile forming on my face. It's nice to see them talking again. I know losing Lori wasn't easy for both of them. My back hits something hard and it makes me turn around. Daryl looks down at me with an unreadable look on his face, wrapping and arm around my shoulder.

Rick places a hand on Carl's shoulder as well, reassuring him we'll be back soon. Watching Rick's face as he says goodbye makes my heart sting.

I sit behind Michonne, she explains the route to the town to Rick driving. Daryl sits in the middle, next to me. And Oscar sits on the far left side, squished into the door. The night seems to be coming quickly causing the world to become nothing but a dark blur as I look out the window.

Small conversation passes through the car, mostly about what's going to happen next. But I don't listen. Instead I think about Glenn...

𝘐𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 // 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘭 𝘋𝘪𝘹𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now