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We cleared out the courtyard and a cellblock pretty easily today. It's honestly been surprising, watching everyone grow, become stronger, more united. Shane could have never done what Rick has done. We wouldn't have come this far.

"I ain't sleeping in no cage." Daryl's comment makes me want to laugh but I hold it in. "I'll take the perch." Everyone looks at Daryl before nodding.

It's strange how quiet it is here. It almost makes me uncomfortable. I stand next to the corner in the cellblock, my arms crossed. I'm not sure about all this yet.

I watch as Hershel questions Carl, a smirk trying to form on the old man's face. In the past few weeks, Carl has been non stop flirting with Beth. At first it was cute but now I seriously think I need to teach the kid how to flirt.

Carol walks over to me with a smile on her face. "Where do you plan on sleeping?" She puts a hand on my arm, a disgusted look on her face. I look down at what she's looking at and of course, I'm covered in blood.

"Great." Rolling my eyes, I think about taking my shirt off but hold off since Hershel is nearby, that just feels weird.

"I'm not letting you sleep with me now, you'll make the blanket all bloody."

"Who said I wanted to sleep with you?" We both smile at each other and for a moment everything feels normal again.

"You know you'd want it." She waves her hands through the air, across her body.


She rolls her eyes, smacking my shoulder before her eyes land somewhere else. "You could sleep on the perch with Daryl." I shake my head quickly, feeling my cheeks turn a shade of pink.

"No way"

"Oh come on"

"Would you two shut up?" Daryl's voice is loud and shocks us both, we jump, looking at each other with wide eyes and smiles on our faces like we're kids caught gossiping. We look at each other then at Daryl who's sitting on top of the makeshift bed he's made, staring down at us like a toddler. The cellblock lights up in laughter from everyone now.

"Alright, everyone get some sleep." Rick steps out of his cell, unbuckling his belt.

We all nod and Carol walks away quickly without forgetting to turn around and wink.

I huff a sigh, looking at Rick who's already looking at me. "What?" putting a hand on my face to check for anything, Rick chuckles, shaking his head, "Go up there."

"What?" This time I just look at him strangely. Where is Rick and where did he go? Who would've thought the prison would make Rick romantic. Obviously it's not working on his wife.

"Go up there, we don't want our blankets to be full of blood." It's Rick's turn to wink as he walks away now.

I lift my bag from the ground, my back aching with every movement. I really need Hershel to check this out, I know that, I just can't seem to come around to doing it yet. Not when there are better things to worry about.

Walking up the metal stairs that lead to the upstairs part of the cellblock, my boots cling against each step, causing loud bangs. I huff in anticipation when I reach the second last step. I'll keep my distance for now, that way if I want to punch Daryl I'll have a running start.

I cough a few times, "hi." My voice is quiet but somehow echoes off these walls. I can still feel everyone's eyes on me, making me even more nervous.

I know Carol used to watch all those romcom movies before this but this isn't the bachelor or the notebook. Daryl and I aren't gonna build each other houses and sure as hell won't be gifting or receiving any roses.

𝘐𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 // 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘭 𝘋𝘪𝘹𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now