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30 0 0

Smut warning :o horny little bastards. 

His head lays upon my stomach, his pointer finger drawing shapes upon my skin as I look up at our ceiling. The blankets, thrown around and messy upon the bed, shield very little skin and I'm suddenly thankful that Daryl made sure to lock the door this time. 

He proposed to me an hour ago and now we lay, sweating and breathing heavy. I'm sure I look like a mess, my hair knotted and my lips red and puffy but I lay comfortably. I never have to question how I look with Daryl. "Baby?" I ask, looking down to make sure he didn't fall asleep. He doesn't lift his head but moves his eyes upwards, looking at me through the hair falling on his face. A small smile is on his face as he rubs my side, goosebumps forming on my skin as his skin connects with the lower part of my ribs. 

"Just checking if you fell asleep." I sigh, bringing my numb arms to his hair. I let my fingers play with the strands on his forehead, smiling down at him when he lets out a groan. "Keep going." He mumbles, pushing his cheek harder against my stomach. I chuckle, shaking my head at the man below me but continue. 

As my fingers sift through his hair, I slowly hear him mumbling something and I hum in confusion. "What was that?" I ask, stopping and shifting my neck to look down at him. He rolls over so instead of being on his side he's now laying on his stomach, in between my legs. His arms rest on either side of me and he looks up at me like a dog waiting for a treat, a big smirk on his face. 

"I was just thinkin." He looks down, eyeing my chest for a second and I scoff, playfully pushing his face away. He lets out a chuckle and brings his hand to my chest, stopping right in the center. "I love this feelin." Daryl whispers, suddenly a little more serious. My face drops a little and I smile sheepishly. He's feeling my heart against his hand. 

"You're the only one who can make it beat that fast." I smile, blushing at how cheesy that sounded. Daryl smirks again, dropping his hand from my chest. 

"Tell that to the last walker you killed." He jokes, sitting up suddenly. I let out a loud laugh, rolling my eyes as I watch him get onto his knees, feeling something slowly hit my ankle. I raise an eyebrow, confused. 

"What are you doing down there?" I smile, looking between him and my legs. He wraps his hand around my ankle and lifts it onto his shoulder before dipping lower. I let out a shallow breath. 

"Stop talkin so damn much." He whispers, doing the same to my other leg. I nod in understanding and close my eyes. I can hear the blanket ruffle for a second before I feel something raising my hips. When I open my eyes again Daryl looks at me strangely. 

"I need ya to look at me Scar." Daryl instructs and I buck my hips, allowing him full access. When the feeling of his tongue hits my clit I let out a loud moan, one that causes Daryl to shoot his hand to mine, lifting both of them to my mouth. 

Our hands press against my mouth, doing a bad job at keeping out my noises as I get closer and closer to my climax. His tongue works quickly, sucking and licking all along my wetness. " Daryl" I cry out, suddenly reaching the tip of my high. 

He licks me clean, dropping my legs slowly onto the bed. When we make eye contact again he's licking his lips, a haze in his eyes. God he's hot

The sun beats through the white curtains on our window and I hiss, rolling onto my side. The clock on our bed side table reads "10:00" and I jump up, my head suddenly pounding and a strange stinging in my lower stomach hits me. "Wat are ya doin?" Daryl grumbles half asleep beside me and my eyes go wide. This man never sleeps in. The last time he did it was because we had sex. I swear this man becomes a different person the second he gets any of me. 

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