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I've had the worst headache all morning. I can't tell if it's because of Rick and Carl's arguing or the death glares Daryl has been sending me. Things didn't go well last night, after my little nightmare, Daryl basically asked me to move away from him. I couldn't even believe it at first, laughing a few times. But when Daryl kept a straight face and started wrapping my blanket up, I knew he was serious.

Now we all stand around the cellblock, waiting for our next instructions. I stay quiet like usual, just watching everyone talk with one another. They make it seem so easy, like they're all truly happy.

Carol sends me a few pity smiles while talking to Maggie and Glenn. They are all obviously talking about me, they don't even try to keep it a secret anymore.

For some reason Hershel is coming with us. I was going to protest against it but decided not to. Not when I already feel awkward with everyone since last night. They've been looking at me like a hurt puppy all morning. I want to scream. I might.

Carl begins to walk out with us, gun in hand and a serious look on his face. I'm a grown woman and this kid scares me. Rick makes some pitiful excuse about needing him if something goes down and the rest of us smile before heading out.

Lori gives me a nod, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. I nod back, a small smile forming. We were once friends and if we're going to live here for a while, it's not too late to try to forgive her.

The halls are dark and smell worse than I do after weeks of not showering. We all use our flashlights to light it up but it's no use, not when there is a herd coming and we're backed up. Not when Maggie and Glenn go the opposite way and now we're stuck trying to find them without dying in the process.

"Maggie?" Hershel whisper yells, concern laced in his voice and on his face. I hate seeing him like this. Maybe it's because he reminds me of Santa.

I stand behind him, a little farther back to give him room. "There's nothing-" Maggie's little scream causes Hershel to run quickly towards the sound. I want to tell Hershel to slow down, that if Glenn and Maggie are fine enough to talk, we don't need to run into hallways we haven't cleared yet but it's too late.

By the time I catch up to Hershel he's sitting on the ground in pain, his leg gushing blood with an obvious bite. "Shit" I yell, frantically throwing my arm over Hershel's shoulder in an attempt to pick him up. It takes a couple tries but after three attempts and crying out in pain, I have Hershel on my side and I'm running to the others.

Rick says something but I can't hear. We run towards big double doors, walkers crowding around us. I push them open, Maggie saying something to her father, but I can't hear. We place Hershel on the ground, Glenn says something to me, putting a hand on my shoulder, but I can't hear. Suddenly, I don't think, picking up the ax and swinging.

My ears ring the whole time I do it. My arms burn from the up and down motion and by the time the leg is fully off I feel dizzy. Rick pats me on the back but my back feels like jello and makes me shiver.

"Heads up." Daryl speaks, the first thing I hear in a minute. I look behind me, my hair and face still dripping, to see prisoners staring at us. I am sadly envious of them. They have had it easier than any of us this whole time, stuck in a room that most likely has food, a roof over their heads.

We don't stay to say hi but I can tell by the expression on their faces that between Hershel's leg and the current state I am in, they are most likely scared shitless.

Wheeling him back is the easy part. We run quickly through the halls, eager to get him to someone who can help. What have I done?

My head pounds until we make it to the group, the prisoners still hot on our tails. I don't know what they want but I knew guys like them and I know they won't be trustworthy people, people who can join our group.

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