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I hesitate, my exhausted finger hovering over the trigger. My brain laughs at me, recalling the events leading to this moment. To the bang that rang my ears and shook the ground below me.

The walker falls to the ground on the other side of the fence, her stained dress flowing around her. Since the governor decided to leave a herd of walkers in his wake, we've been on clean up duty all day. When I say we I mean Maggie, Michonne, and I. The "men" are dealing with what to do with all of the Woodbury people who were left at our doorstep like puppies in a basket.

Only thing is, they aren't puppies. They're people, children, fathers, mothers. All worried and scared for their survival just like us. I sound like Rick.

"How are you okay with Merle living with us?" I question, taking a sip of my water and passing it over to Maggie. She gives the bottle a good look before making eye contact with me, a small smile forming on her face.

"I'm not gonna give him the satisfaction." This makes me smile as well.

"Who told you that, they must have been pretty smart." Michonne snorts behind us, plunging her sword into the head of a walker.

 "Plus you'll have to be the one to deal with him more than anyone else" Maggie suggests, making me look at her confused.

"What does that mean?"

"Well you're sort of" Maggie looks to Michonne for help but she shakes her head. She's smart, I'd stay out of this too. "Daryl's girlfriend?"

A blush creeps on my face, silently nodding. "I have no clue what we are."

"Oh." Maggie's expression is priceless. "Glenn and I kind of just knew."

"Lucky, I feel like I have to jump over a herd of walkers just to get something out of Daryl" I huff, "And usually I just get a couple words, a few grumbles, then a kiss."

"At least you're getting kissed, the last thing to touch my lips was last night's dinner." Michonne's comment sends Maggie and I into a laughing fit. I hold onto my stomach, the sides cramping with every cackle.

 In the corner of my eye I spot Rick, Daryl, and Glenn making their way towards us. I point at them but continue laughing. Maggie just nods, wiping tears from her eyes.

When they finally stop in front of us, the laughing has died down but by the goofy grin on Maggie's face I know it's far from over.

"Hello boys!" I salute and Maggie falls over laughing, leaning into my side for support.

"What's wrong with her?" Daryl grumbles.

 "She's laughing Daryl, something people do when they're happy, you should try it." He sends me a glare and I smile feeling very successful. "What's up?" Pushing Maggie off of me, the group becomes quiet.

No matter what their answer is, it's going to change everything. We either send thirty something people out on their own, risking our safety. Or we welcome them in, total strangers we know nothing about.

"Us plus Carol and Hershel all decided to allow them to stay." Glenn speaks up. "We're gonna give them the cellblock next to us and start planting crops." I nod slowly. I can feel Maggie stiffen beside me.

"We'll have a council, sort of like a government to make sure the place is running smoothly." Rick adds, taking a step closer to us as if we couldn't hear his loud voice.

"Whose all on the council?" Maggie questions, folding her arms over her chest. The tension is so strong I kind of  wish I was on the other side of that fence right now.

𝘐𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 // 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘭 𝘋𝘪𝘹𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now