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32 2 0

WARNING: this chapter will contain smut! ;) 


A black dress. 

Scarlet stands in front of the body length mirror placed on the floor of one of the bedrooms given to us. Her curls touch her butt as she stands, softly runnin her hands over the silky material. She aint noticed me yet, and for that I'm happy. I don't want this moment to end, ever. 

Standin in the door way, I have my back leaned against the white wood, my arms folded across my new dress shirt. It matches Scarlet's black, the top two buttons left undone. I didn't know if I wanted to go to this thing since these sort of things were never even my scene when the world was still normal, but as I stand behind Scarlet, watchin as she turns slowly to give me a smile, I know I made the right decision. 

"Watching me?" Her voice is like music to my ears and I smile. Takin quick steps closer to her, my boot clutches onto the bottom of the door and I swing my leg, makin it shut with a loud thud. 

"Ya look so good." I don't even try to hide the grin on my face as my hand comes up to rest on the side of her face, rubbin at her soft cheek. She blushes into my touch, a wide smile on her face. "What if these people don't like us?" Scarlet asks, her voice drops to a whisper. 

"Fuck em" She giggles, steppin away from me, I groan until I notice her bend down, grabbin a pair of black high heels. She shakes her head with a sigh when she stares at em. "I don't even think I'm gonna make it down the stairs." 

I laugh with her, gettin down on my knees to help her do em up. "Why do ya care if they like us all of a sudden?" 

She takes a deep sigh. "Today, when we went out." Scarlet sounds shaky as she speaks and I'm unsure if it's because she's nervous about what she's talkin about or if the feelin of my hand on her calf is doin somethin. Either way, I try my best to focus. "Rick got scared that he lost the kids and I went running, afraid that they were hurt or worse." Definitely the first option. 

"But when we found them, Judith was in Carl's arms, smiling away at some old lady I'd never met in my life and then I realized that there was still people out there that I'd never met, people for me to meet." I nod in understandin, standin up once the second heel is fully laced. "It's all just over whelming" Scarlet lets out a loud and long sigh, droppin her head back. 

A sympathetic smile falls on my face, tryin to figure out what to say or do. I'm doin better at this just not exactly 100% just yet. Lucky for me, Scarlet is more then patient and always has been. "Ya just need a calm relaxin night" She smirks, raising an eyebrow. 

"What do you have in mind?" I grin at her tone. 

"We stay here and I take that dress off-" I'm cut short by the sound of Rick yellin from downstairs, informin us that it's time to go. She lets out a giggle as I roll my eyes. 

"Wine or beer?" A cheery lady asks in front of us, her bright green cardigan blindin me. Scarlet just looks at her overwhelmed, her mouth agape and an expressionless look on her face. We've been here for twenty minutes and we've already been asked what type of alcohol we prefer, our favorite sports team, and what we read, about ten times from too many people. I've wanted to say fuck ya to half of em but Scar keeps me in check. 

𝘐𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 // 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘭 𝘋𝘪𝘹𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now