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Two solid gunshots ring out, I duck behind the crate, hoping they haven't seen me. Maggie is on one side of me, Glenn on the other. Peering over the wooden material, I take my rifle out, peering through the scope. After yesterday's shitty meeting, Rick made us set up a trap for the Woodbury's citizens.

We just had to wait for them to see us or give up, either way it was dangerous. I catch a tall man looking up, straight at the watchtowers where Carol and Daryl reside. My blood runs dry, praying he'll look away soon. Praying Carol isn't visible.

Rick told us to hold off shooting back until the last moment but the thought of one of them hurting Daryl makes my finger shake over the trigger. 

"Up there!" The man yells, pointing Carol straight out. I look over at Maggie anxiously and she nods, looking past me and at Glenn for a moment before loading her pistol shooting down the man.

This makes the others yelp, their guns raised. Pretty soon shooting starts, their shots getting closer with every bullet.

 I shoot, reload, then shoot some more. The governor runs, ducking behind a garbage can and I grin. I know I promised Rick but I can't let him go.

"Scarlet?" Glenn yells, watching as I move from cover, my gun still pointed. The noise causes their focus to shift towards us, firing at me as I sprint towards the door. Once I make it past I work quickly. It's not hard to make it to the governor but when I do I realize I'm out in the open, the only way for me to get to him is by running straight at him, straight through open fire.

I didn't think this through.

 Just as I'm about to make the run, something hits me and the world goes black.

The world shakes underneath me, the sound of an engine waking me from my slumber. I try to sit up but a hand is pressed into my shoulder, the contact stings and I let out a hiss. Looking down, my eyes adjust for a moment until they unblur revealing a massive gunshot in my left shoulder. Fuck.

"Good morning." The governor yells, staring down at me with venomous eyes. It takes my brain to register what's going on. Why am I in a car with him? Daryl. Is he okay?

I sit up quickly, the world spins but I try my best to ignore it, plastering a glare on my pale face. "What did you do?" Anger drips off my tongue, my fingers shaking.

My shoulder has a heartbeat, one louder than my own as I look around the van. It's dark here but not dark enough to hide the two other men in the back, the driver turning his head to look at me with a sick smile.

 "We won Scarlet." My eyes go glossy, imagining Carl, Glenn, Daryl, everyone, all dead. I just nod slowly, shock evident in my body language. At this point I don't care what they do to me. I just want to be with Daryl.

"And now we're gonna have some fun with you."

My lip quivers, my ears beginning to pound. The wound on my shoulder doesn't stop bleeding, staining my shirt.

 "Go ahead" My voice is shaky but I maintain eye contact with him, letting him know he's not what I'm afraid of.

He listens to my command, yelling at the driver to stop the van. The man driving makes a comment about a herd coming but the governor only yells at him, licking his lips as he sits up.

Once the van does come to a full stop, he has a hand in his pants, stroking what I assume to be his dick, though I can't seem to find it. I can tell by the look on his face that he is waiting for me to crack, to scream or cry, but I don't. I stay still, watching him with a blank expression on my face.

𝘐𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 // 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘭 𝘋𝘪𝘹𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now