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- When I was a child I loved taking baths, my mom's fingertips running through my hair, the bubbles I'd put on my face. Now a bath fills me with unease, the slime of my past at the bottom, my reflection at the top. We can only hold onto things for so long. What if those things get stuck in between? -

My eyes feel heavy but not as heavy as my limbs. Trying to raise them, my arms fall quickly, with a thud, back onto the plush surface underneath me. I wish I could say I know where I am, but I don't have a clue. My eyes are glossy, my sight is fuzzy, and the room seems to be spinning as I lift my head as much as I can to look around. 

There's a window above my head, strong pitter-padder thuds against the glass. It seems like it's been raining for a while, thunder booms, shaking the ground. Before my head can get tired and fall, I slowly turn it, taking in what must be a church. The wooden benches, wooden floor, and giant Jesus, are sadly familiar. Reminding me of my grandparents, I sigh, resting my head back down. 

The second my head hits the soft material, the sound of doors opening echo against the hard walls. Along with many footsteps, they thump louder than the thunder, heading straight towards me. Everything inside my brain is telling me to get up, that if this isn't my family, I need to run, but I'm too weak. Instead I stay down, scrunching into a ball on my side. 

The steps along with whispers stop for a second, as if the owner is thinking about what to do next. Forcing my eyes back open, Carl stands in front of me, his eyes instantly growing wide at the sight of me. "She's awake" He screams, motioning his dad over. 

Rick, rugged and dirty looking, stands in front of me, a genuine smile on his face. Passing Judith over to her brother, Rick bends down, taking a closer look at me. My eyes tear up when they meet Judith's, the familiar and innocent face reminds me of an easier time. A time I wish I could go back to. 

"Scarlet?" Rick's voice is laced with worry, his fingers trembling as he raises a hand to rub his beard. I nod, not trusting my voice. We stay silent for a second, him still kneeled and me still curled into a ball. Slowly, his hand drops from his face, moving in sloth speed towards my hand. When they connect, he grips on, a tear dropping off his face. 

Clutching onto his hand, it feels like every muscle in my body is on fire, but I hold on anyway. "Scarlet?" He asks again, his voice surprisingly wobbly. I nod but stop short, letting out a quite cough. 

"Rick?" It comes out like nails against a chalk board causing Rick to flinch. He turns his head, motioning Carl to get something. Carl quickly rushes off to get it, leaving Rick and I in silence, staring at each other. 

He coughs awkwardly, pointing at my arm, "How are you feeling?" I look down, realizing my whole arm is wrapped up, white bandage suffocates my skin. I just shrug, the sudden action making me flinch. Rick's eyes widen at my reaction. 

"I'm fine." I whisper between clenched teeth, Carl comes up behind his father, a plastic water bottle in hand. He hands it to Rick who hands it to me. Sitting up slowly, my hand grips the blanket harshly, holding on for dear life as my whole body shakes, the pain unbearable. 

 Letting out a suffocated grunt, I finally position myself upwards, my back against the cool wall. Taking a shaky breath, I fake a smile as I reach for the bottle. After taking two slow gulps, I screw up the cap, placing it back down. 

All three of them stand, watching my closely. Similar worried smiles form on their faces. "Help me up." I demand suddenly, shocking them both. I need fresh air, this church smells like church. Dusty and old, the wood moldy and damp. It reminds me too much of my childhood. 

𝘐𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 // 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘭 𝘋𝘪𝘹𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now