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[Alyx's P.O.V.]

I pack my bags for what seems like the millionth time, sighing deeply.

"Seriously though. Why can't we just stay in one frickin' place?"

My aunt Maura sighs, sounding more tired and weary than I feel right now. "It isn't my fault. It's because of my job that we need to travel."

I've heard the explanation a million times, so no wonder my aunt is being brief about it.

"You've told my parents where we're going?"

"Aye, that I did. London, hotspot for first-class authors in need of first-class editors."

"Why'd the pick you if they want first class?"

"Cheeky bitch!" She laughs. "There's a nice high school in the area, not far from where we'll be staying. The headmaster seems a classy enough bloke. You'll like it, I'm sure."

I'm hardly won over. She says the same line every time we talk about where we're going next. It's just going to be as insufferable as every other city we've been in so far.

"Is it a permanent placement?"

I know, deep down, it never is, but I'm being dangerous again and grasping onto false hope.

"Yes." Her sad grey eyes tell me to play along as always, and so I do.

"You promise?"

"I promise." She says with a sad smile. Her eyes add an unspoken "I hope so", as always. I smile grimly, continuing my packing. Time to start anew: new city, new school, new 'friends'. New life.

Hah. I wish.

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