⏳A Longing for Nostalgia

187 11 156

29th May, 2004.

The sound of the rain could be heard echoing throughout the streets of Washington. People were running, some were calmly walking under umbrellas, some were simply enjoying the rain. However, me and Luke on the other hand, we were both running under the rain. We also had ice cream in our hands, it started to melt. What a pity. "This is kind of fun!" I excitedly said. "For you! I can't run that fast!" Luke said out of breath. "Should we just switch to walking!?" I exclaimed. "Nope, I wanna get there as fast as possible! I hate the rain!" He answered. I only chuckled and took a hold of his hand. We then started running faster, hand in hand. We were trying our best to get to a glass covered area with benches inside. We didn't expect it to rain today, so we were pretty much drenched. I could tell some people were looking at us, some were smiling, some were simply just looking at us out of curiosity. I didn't care, I was only focused on our moment. Holding hands and running through the rain, how much more romantic can it get?

We turned around the corner and saw the glass covered area. We stopped right in front of it and opened the door, there were already two people inside. Luke sat down on one of the benches, I sat down next to him. "Phew..finally." Luke said out of breath. He looked down at his ice cream and started eating it. I looked down at mine, it was a little melted but I didn't mind. I took a bite out of the first scoop which was raspberry, he turned to look at me confused. "You bite your ice cream?" He questioned. "Yeah, isn't that..how you're supposed to eat it?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. "Kind of..don't your teeth get all cold?" He asked as he raised a brow. "No." I vaguely responded as I continued to bite my ice cream in front of him on purpose. He only looked away, "My teeth hurt just by watching you." He chuckled.

We still had around an hour left until we had to go to the airport. Today was our last day here and we went through Washington, and looked around everywhere. We even visited The White House since Luke wanted to see it so badly. He brought his polaroid camera with him, and took a million photos. We even took photos together, and he also took so many photos of a cat we saw on the street. He wanted to take it home. He picked up the cat and held it like a baby, I told him it was probably not the best idea as it might be a wild cat with..diseases. He refused either way and still picked it up. He suddenly leaned his head on my shoulder, "You're already done with your ice cream?" He asked. "Mhm. I think we should probably get going soon." I said. "I don't wanna leave yettt...." He complained. He lifted his head up from my shoulder and got up, "Alright, come on." He said. "Give me a second." I said as I quickly rummaged through my bag.

I was quite thirsty, and tired. I needed something to revive my energy. "Is that..a flask?" He asked with a sheepish smile. "Yeah. You want some?" I offered as I reached my hand out. "What is it?" - "Vodka." I replied. "Sure." He nodded and I handed him the flask. He took a sip, "It's fresh!" He excitedly said. I only chuckled. "Alright, we can go now I assume?" He nodded and chuckled, "We have round two of running in the rain." He scoffed and took my hand. "Okay, that's fine with me." I smiled.




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𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑳𝑳𝒀 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑺 (A TMF AU)Where stories live. Discover now