☯Collision of the Good and the Wretched

212 9 250

21st June, 2004.


I waited at the airport alongside Will, Daisy and the others already left as they took public transportation. Will was also waiting for his dad to pick him up. I had to wait for Luke, he sure was taking his time. I looked down at my watch, I was exhausted. I've been waiting these two weeks to see him, I couldn't wait to see the bright smile on his face, it made my heart flutter. I wanted to see him really badly, I missed him. "Wanna have another arm wrestling match?" Will asked with a sheepish smile. "Just so I could win again? We've had at least three rounds Will, give up already." I sighed, "That wasn't fair!" He argued. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Besides, how do you get any working out done while you're reading?" He asked with a dumbfounded look on his face. "It's called killing two birds with one stone Will. I'm working on my brain and my body." I replied with a confident smirk on my face. "And you're doing that by lifting weights and reading a book..? Maybe I should try that.." he pondered. I turned to the huge open windows of the airport, it was raining. It was dark, cloudy, and raining. Somehow, the weather was always able to match with my mindset.

Will looked through his cellphone before turning to me, "My dad's gonna be here in around 10 minutes. Is..Luke arriving soon?" He asked with a worried look as he placed his cellphone back into his pocket. That question worried me, what was going on? Luke wasn't really always on time but he wouldn't be this late.. I pulled out my cellphone and flipped it open.

No new messages.

I frowned as I went over to Luke's contact,

"Hi Luke, are you on your way?" 18:48PM
"Everything okay?" 19:00PM

He hasn't even seen my messages yet. Maybe he's just still on the road? I was making myself worried sick, I shut my cellphone and put it back in my pocket as I stared at the ground.

15 minutes later,

Will already left, I was still stuck waiting in the same place, watching as the weather outside only got worse. Suddenly I heard a few familiar voices. I looked up and saw my mother, Bethany and Michael. "Mom? Michael?" I asked, quite confused. "Hi sweetie, Luke couldn't make it today." My mother said kindly as she walked up to me. Michael was carrying Bethany in his arms, I frowned. Now I was seriously concerned. "Zanderrr hiii!" Bethany smiled as she waved at me. I smiled and picked her up, hugging her. "Hi Beth, I missed you." I said as she hugged me back. "Have you been good? Not causing any trouble?" I jokingly asked her, she giggled and nodded her head. I smiled. "Hey Michael." I greeted. "Hi Zander." He smiled. Even though he was just a step father to me, he was still really kind. He viewed me as his own child and I always found that heartwarming. Especially when I first moved here, I really needed a father figure present. I appreciate all his efforts, though he won't really be able to replace my real father. Unfortunately, it's true.

I handed Bethany back to Michael and turned to my mother again. "So, how was Tokyo?" She asked with a smile. "It was good. I got to see father again, he's doing better." I replied vaguely as I started to fidget with the bandaids on my fingers. "He got out of rehab, and he's been sober for almost two whole years now." I added. It was true, my father had a problem with alcohol ever since I was a kid. But, he just knew how to hide it. I never suspected a thing, his addiction got worse and he eventually decided to go into rehab. He was doing much better now, and I was really happy to see that. "I'm very happy to hear that." My mother replied enthusiastically. "Hey mom?" I asked. She looked up at me again and softly hummed. "What happened with Luke? Why couldn't he make it today?" I asked, starting to feel sick. She nervously darted her eyes around before her gaze landed on me again.

"He's in the hospital. I didn't want to tell you sooner, I didn't want you to worry on your entire way home." She frowned. That's when I knew I was right about something being wrong. The rainstorm outside evolved into a thunderstorm, perfectly reflecting on how I was feeling. I stared at her with wide eyes, "At the hospital..? What happened?" I asked quietly, attempting to keep myself calm. "Apparently he got stabbed while he was at the facility. Don't worry, he's alright. He's just resting." She smiled weakly. I couldn't believe it, stabbed!? Who could've done this?
"Can you take me directly to the hospital first?" I pleaded as I tightly held onto my suitcase. "Of course. Don't make yourself worry so much Alex, trust me he's okay. Your sister and the rest of the band are there too." She answered as she gently placed her hand on my shoulder. I frowned. She quickly noticed that I was still in fact very nervous. "Come here honey." She sweetly said as she embraced me in a hug. I hugged back as I sunk my face into her shoulder. This is the worst day ever. At least mom was here to comfort me.

𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑳𝑳𝒀 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑺 (A TMF AU)Where stories live. Discover now