🌥️Worrisome Thoughts

283 8 154

13th May, 2004.

We freely roamed around our office, I was quite bored. I did talk to Sean and some of our other co-workers a few times, but most of the conversations just weren't really all that interesting. I leaned on the frame of the window and looked at the path from our facility. Zander didn't show up today either, seems like he still wasn't feeling better. I was starting to get worried, though he assured me that he rarely got sick and it was always this terrible whenever he did. I already texted him maybe an hour ago, he still didn't respond.

I took out my cellphone and dialled his contact, I waited, slowly getting even more nervous. I haven't heard from him all day.
Suddenly, he picked up and I sighed in relief.
"Hey, Zander! I was so worried, where were you all morning?"
"Huh..uh..Luke..?" He replied with a raspy voice, also sounding confused.
"Did you just wake up..?" I asked,
"I think so."
"What do you mean you think so..are you okay?" I questioned, getting even more worried now.
"Urgh..I passed out last night after throwing up and I think I hit my head on the ground pretty hard." He complained.
"Are you on the floor right now!?" I asked even more worried and even louder than before, Sean whipped his head around, assumingly hearing what I said.

"Yes. It's kind of comfortable I'll be honest."
"Oh my god."
"What time is it anyway?" He asked, sounding tired. I quickly put my cellphone in front of me to check the time.
"..I slept that long?"
I thought for a moment, didn't I leave some medication for him just yesterday?
"I think I left some medication for you on the dining room table, go and take that. Hopefully it'll make you feel better."
"Okay, I'll do that." He quietly said.
"And, I'd recommend not going to sleep during the day. It'll make you feel more tired."
"Mhm, am I still not allowed to drink coffee or smoke?" He asked, a hint of sadness in his voice.
"Nope, still no smoking and no caffeine."
"This is torture."
I laughed, he's such a drama queen.
"You'll live." - "By the way, Daisy's extra worried about you, she might even show up to your place soon to drop off some get well soon gifts." I smiled.
He quietly laughed, "Usual worried Daisy."
"Alright, make sure to take your medication and remember, drink water, no coffee, no cigarettes."
"Alright alright." He sighed.

I shortly hung up and placed my cellphone back in my pocket. I sighed in frustration, I wanted to make sure he was okay. Unfortunately, I couldn't just casually get out of work and drop by his place. I missed some important projects when I was absent, and now I have to catch up with everything. I thought about sending someone, someone close to Zander who could check on him for me. I thought about one of the band members, unfortunately they all have work today. There was one option left, oh god. Drew. I did not want him out of all people to look after Zander, I'd rather die. Just imagining him being alone with Zander already freaked me out enough.

What if he makes a move on Zander? What if he talks badly about me to him, and then Zander will hate me!? What if- alright, maybe I should calm down. It's not like I'm his boyfriend or anything, I just don't want anyone, especially Drew, making a move on him. I don't want to let him go just yet, there are so many things I want to show him, so many things I want to do with him, I frowned as I stared at my reflection in the window. "Yo, Luke. Are you okay?" Sean asked as he lightly tapped me on the shoulder, I immediately turned around, slightly startled. "Oh uh..I'm fine. Just thinking."
"Who was on the floor earlier..?"
"Oh you heard that.." I awkwardly chuckled. "It was Zander, apparently he didn't feel well and passed out last night." I quickly summarized. "Oh gosh, is he alright?" Sean asked, looking worried. "Yeah, he's gonna take some medication I left for him and he'll feel better in no time." I reassured as I smiled softly. He sighed in relief and smiled back.

"By the way, I have a lot to tell you about what we were talking about. The paranormal stuff, you know?" I said, feeling nervous by just bringing up this topic. His expression changed to a much more serious one, "Okay, sounds good to me." He said. "Give me a moment, first I need to call someone. I'll be right back." He nodded, I excused myself, shortly walking out of the office. I closed the door and leaned on the wall, I firmly held my cellphone in my hand. Zander needs someone right now, he can't be left alone in a state like this. I need to stop being so jealous and selfish, I clicked around on the buttons on my phone and went to my contacts, I tried searching for Drew's number but I realized I didn't have it. I broke contact with him in 1999/2000, right. Well Zander was the only one who knew his number...no. Zoey does too, the nurse on the seventh floor. Those two were dating in university, even after they broke up they still kept subtle contact.

𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑳𝑳𝒀 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑺 (A TMF AU)Where stories live. Discover now