🌟Koi no Yokan

351 14 267

3rd July, 2004.

"Ughhh this is so unfair! I wanna go to Haiti too!" Jake complained as he frowned. "We might eventually go too you know.." Sean remarked as he smiled. "That'd be so cool!" Jake replied even more enthusiastically as he clung onto Sean's arm. "I'm sure you will! I'll make sure to take a lot of photos and show you guys too and.." Luke continued to explain. I held my cellphone in my hand as I typed in yet another number. I stared right at the pastry shop in front of me. Right now, I was down to two options. Strawberry cake, or apple pie. I think this might as well be the toughest decision I've ever had to make, I had to make another calculation quickly and type it in my notes. So..the apple pie is $5, if I wanted two pieces..5 × 2=10, given the fact the pieces of the pie are already big enough that would definitely last long. And it does look good too, though I don't like the idea of giving $5 on something I could've easily made at home..

The strawberry cake is a little smaller, hm. Although I do favor it much more than the pie, I do have to admit, I highly doubt that'll last long. "Zander?" I hummed as I continued to type the numbers and calculations. Did someone say something? Anyways. That would be 3 × 6 which would equal.. "Zander!" — "Huh?" I turned around, Sean, Jake, and Luke were all staring at me. "Are you..calculating something..?" Sean asked as he pointed towards my cellphone. "Ah..I'm trying to decide on whether strawberry cake or apple pie is a better deal and a more appetizing meal." I replied, "Though I think I made my choice." I put my cellphone back in my pocket. "You're definitely a strange guy.." Jake remarked. "Right back at you." I replied with a smile. He chuckled. I looked down at my watch, "We should probably already head to our gate no?" I said as I looked up again. Luke nodded, "Group hug before you go?" Sean suggested. I smiled and walked up to them, the four of us then attempted a 'group hug'. It was a sweet gesture.

|10 minutes later

We both sat on the blue chairs as we waited. I decided to go for the apple pie because it seemed like a better deal, and I could hold up with this long enough on the flight. It was going to last four hours anyway. "You want some?" I asked as I gestured towards the pie. "Oh, sure!" Luke happily accepted it. "You can have the rest, I'm full." I replied as I rummaged through my bag, we had to wait for another 20 minutes, so why not spend that time reading. I pulled out a book, 'Amerika' by Franz Kafka. This book was just otherworldly. I set the book in my lap as I continued to rummage through my bag, I needed my reading glasses. I took them out of the bag and out of the case, I gently put them on and opened the book. I was currently at page 103, I started this book only last week. I haven't had much time to read as I was too busy with work.

"Woah." Luke said as he gawked at me. I furrowed my brows in confusion. "What?" I asked. "Since when did you wear glasses..?" He asked. "I don't. These are just reading glasses." I replied as I sighed. He smiled, "You suit them really well." He complimented then turned back to the apple pie in his lap. I blushed as I turned back to my book. I suit them really well..? Is that really what he thinks? Usually I thought these glasses looked stupid on me. "Do you really mean it?" I asked as I turned to look at him, I swear I could tell his cheeks turned slightly red. "Yeah! I think you look really attractive with glasses." He responded, smiling. "Oh..thank you." I said quietly as I turned back to my book, I nervously tapped my foot. I never knew how to properly take compliments. I'm still so awkward about it even to this day. Something about the way he complimented me was so much different from others. He chose his words so carefully, and so lovingly. It made my heart flutter, it only made me fall in love even more. I felt so much love to the point I felt like I could do anything. I want him next to me, for the rest of all my lives.

I was never too fond of flying, I'm ashamed to admit that the first time I ever went on a plane was when I was 20. I held onto my mother's hand like my life depended on it because I was so terrified. I watched a lot of sci-fi and action movies as a teenager, a lot of them had plane crashes so I can definitely understand where the fear is coming from. "What should we do first when we get there?" I asked as I set the book down in my lap. "Well, I know I'm definitely taking you to see the sea first that's for sure." He smiled. God damn it Luke. "I like the sound of that." I replied as I tried to hold back my excitement. In just four hours, I was going to see Haiti. I could barely stay calm. "I can't wait to get tanned!" Luke said excitedly as he took another bite of the apple pie. "You're already tan enough.." I remarked, adjusting my glasses. "Maybe you should consider a tan. You're as white as a ghost." He retorted. "Rude." I replied as I rolled my eyes playfully. He chuckled.

𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑳𝑳𝒀 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑺 (A TMF AU)Where stories live. Discover now