☎️A Call From Bellevue

204 10 44

24th March, 2004.

After we woke up, Zander drove me to the facility since I left my car there overnight, due to the sleepover. I left my pajamas in the car too. Zander didn't have a shift today so it was going to be a little boring on the breaks I'll be honest.

Over the course of a month and a half, I got to know the rest of The Music Freaks, Sean's band. Jake and Hailey were the main vocalists, Milly was the guitarist, Sean was the DJ/Producer, and Zander was the pianist. Although they weren't famous they still played sometimes in some bars or small events. Even I got to see one of their performances, they were absolutely amazing. Sean is a doctor, and Zander is a scientist in the same facility as me. Hailey, which is Zander's stepsister, owns her own Cafe. Milly is a graphic designer, and Jake works in Hailey's Cafe. They all met in highschool for the first time, Zander was an exchange student for a week and they still kept in contact even after he returned to Japan, then they reunited again once he moved to America. I find it quite sweet.

They're really nice, and they welcomed me immediately. They even asked if I could be the drummer in their band, I happily agreed. And I'm looking forward to all the shows we can play at.

Today I had to treat one of the scientists on Zander's team, he got a slight injury, luckily nothing too serious.
"Try and be more careful next time." I pat him on the shoulder. "Thanks man." He smiled. "You're one of Zander's friends aren't you?" I asked, "Yeah, I'm Will. From what I've heard, I think you're Luka?" He asked. "Luke, but yeah." I chuckled. "Sorry, I'm really bad with names." He laughed showing all his big teeth. "It's alright don't worry." I smiled. "You should probably get back to your team now, your injury wasn't too serious luckily." I suggested as I looked up at him. "Alright, see you around Luke!" He smiled as he waved and walked out of the door. I waved back.

As I took off my gloves, I checked my cellphone again. One missed call, oh god. It was from the Bellevue Mental Hospital. I picked up, expecting the worst as usual.
"Good evening, sir. I hope I'm not disturbing you."
"Good evening, it's all good."
"Now, I have some bad news regarding Veronica."
I sighed, preparing to hear something completely terrible.
"She's escaped the hospital again, our crew is still searching for her. We wanted to inform you because you're the only family we have a number from." The lady explained.
"Alright, thank you. I'll make sure to call you in case I find her."
"It would be appreciated, thank you. Have a great day Mr. Peterson."
"You too."

I stood there in silence. This is the third time she's escaped. First it was in 1997, then in 1999, and now in 2004. She's already been there since 1996, making it 8 years. She got in there for attempting suicide, being a pathological liar, and she was also recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder. At this point, I really didn't want to call my parents and inform them that she ran away again. Flights from Poland to America weren't cheap. I haven't seen my sister since the last time she escaped, which was in 1999, that was 5 years ago. I completely cut off all contact with her, she lied to me so many times and even put me in dangerous situations too. I put my cellphone down on the table, suddenly I saw vivid images of the storage room in this facility, my head was spinning and I felt like I was there, shit. It's happening again. I'm having another vision. I took my cellphone and immediately ran to the storage room downstairs.

I quickly ran downstairs and opened the door to the storage room, it was dark. I reached for the light switch and flicked it on. Ah, there she was. I almost jumped at the sight, she was standing there smiling in the middle of the room. Was she doing all this in the dark a few minutes before I came? "You found me!" She chuckled as she started walking up to me. "Veronica, what the hell are you doing here!?" I asked and stopped her before she could come any closer. I had no idea what she was capable of, for all I know she could be hiding a random weapon and killing me before I even knew it. She was my sister, but that still didn't make me trust her. "How did you even know I work here now?" I asked quietly as I furrowed my brows. "A little birdie told me." She smiled. I looked at her as I frowned. "Look, I'm gonna need you to do me a favor." She said as she adjusted her curly auburn hair. "I'm not doing you any favors, Veronica. Last time I did you a favor it almost landed me in federal prison." I declined as she continued to laugh, as if I had reminded her of a good memory.

𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑳𝑳𝒀 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑺 (A TMF AU)Where stories live. Discover now