💐A Break from it All

206 10 196

24th June, 2004.

"..Luke?" I said quietly, he walked to the other side and climbed down a slightly rusty steel ladder. He jumped down and walked forward, "We need to get out of here as soon as possible." He warned as he looked at the three bodies scattered on the ground. He still had a gun in his hand, wait a minute, that one looked familiar. I reached my hand forward and took it as I looked at it. "Beretta 92?" I asked, he nodded. "You know the name of it?" He smiled. "Of course, they don't sell these as much anymore." I replied as I felt the material of the gun in my hand. "This is quite an expensive gun, where did you get it?" I asked as I looked up from the gun, facing him. He shrugged, "I just found it on the floor, I think one of these guys dropped it when you were all walking out of the restaurant." He replied. "Ah, I see." I said quietly as I continued to inspect the weapon.

Though, it amazed me how he was able to effortlessly shoot all three of them like that. "Are you experienced with guns? Your aim is really good, those were perfect headsho-" He suddenly walked up closer to me and wrapped his arm around mine, "Come on, you can look at the gun later, we should go before someone sees this." He said, the tone of his voice was slightly darker than usual. "Oh, okay." I nodded. We started walking to his car, he opened the door for me. "Thank you." I smiled as I got in and sat down. He smiled. He got in as well, put his seatbelt on and put his hands on his lap. He turned to look at me, "You don't mind that I killed those guys, do you..?" He asked as he furrowed his brows. I turned my gaze down to the gun in my hands, I knew I couldn't be mad, I mean I've done worse. "No, I don't mind." I said softly, I lifted my head up and turned to look at him, he watched my every move with anticipation. "It was self defense anyway." I smiled. It was like his eyes lit up in that moment, he smiled brightly. "Did they do anything? Are you okay?" He asked softly as he cupped my face and looked around for any injuries.

I chuckled, "I'm fine, Luke." I said as I took his hands and set them back to his side. "You're always looking out for me, thank you." I said, oh god this was embarrassing. But, it was the truth. I felt safe around him, always. "I can only return the favor.." he said as he trailed off, looking to the side. His face was slightly red. "And, can you take this well? I mean, you just killed three people. Are you feeling okay?" I asked as I frowned. The whole process of murder already became somewhat natural to me, though I was worried about him. Not everyone can handle killing a person, the guilt and regret. Maybe that's what makes us human, those feelings. No wonder I don't feel human. He frowned, "I'm okay. It's like you said, that was just self defense." He replied, though still a little hazy. I wasn't convinced, however I didn't want to bother him too much. "Okay. Should we head home now?" I asked. He nodded, "My place?" He chimed in, "Mhm." I hummed.

"You know, when I saw you up there, with that gun. I saw the exact same thing in Tokyo, with that strange statue of you." I explained. His eyes widened, "Seriously!?" He asked quite surprised. I nodded, "It may be the effect of the predestination paradox. It was avoided all this time yet, it was still supposed to happen. And it finally happened." I theorized as I looked through the windshield. "Huh..I wonder when I'll see that statue of you, but in real time." He questioned. "Maybe, your statue will also be a predestination paradox." He chuckled. I chuckled as well, ironically enough. That statue of mine already happened, but in front of the wrong eyes. Damien's eyes. It was supposed to happen in front of Luke, it was destined for his eyes. That's how the predestination paradox works. I hope it won't repeat itself, this theory is quite interesting to think about. Nevertheless, I really don't want to repeat past events.


We stood on the balcony, it was so warm throughout the entire day. Now there was finally a slightly colder breeze. Since I was staying the night, Luke gave me some spare pajamas to wear. They weren't anything too special, a white t-shirt and black shorts just above my knees. We stayed at each other's houses pretty often, so we both had spare pajamas for the other almost all the time. When he saw the gauze on my arm, I had to make a really stupid lie just so he wouldn't ask any questions. I told him that I just accidentally burned myself when I was cooking the other day which was a complete lie. He can never find out about what happened at Damien's house that night.

𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑳𝑳𝒀 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑺 (A TMF AU)Where stories live. Discover now