🎭No Hard Feelings

192 10 93

12th May, 2004.

We successfully buried the body again, though I wasn't feeling all too well. "I wish I could've seen you again under better circumstances." I quietly said picking up my shovel. Drew only chuckled, "Me too."
As he threw on the last bit of dirt on top I stopped and held on to the shovel while I reached my hand up and held onto my head. My headache was even worse than earlier, I felt like I could throw up at any moment. I wasn't sure if I was feeling sick because of the body we dug up or because of what happened yesterday. Drew turned to me and noticed that I seemed unwell, "You alright Zander?" He asked as he placed a hand on my shoulder, Luke shortly came up to me as well. "Give me a moment." I took a deep breath and quickly ran behind the house, I bent over and held my hair back with one hand and started throwing up. I felt like shit. Luckily, there was a small sink outside that was still in good shape for the most part, and I was able to wash my face.

After I washed my face I came back and saw Drew and Luke both worried. "Do you still feel the same way you felt yesterday?" Luke quietly asked facing me. "I felt slightly better this morning, but I still had a headache." I answered, leaning onto one of the trees. "You need to go home right now, but you're in no state to go alone." Luke suggested, Drew glanced at him and then averted his gaze to me as he started to approach me. "I'll take him home, thanks for all the help Luke." Drew said as he hooked an arm over my shoulder and brought me closer to him. I could barely concentrate on anything, I felt dizzy and nauseous. I only looked down at the ground the entire time, trying my best to stay awake.

"Why should you take him home?" Luke asked with a hint of annoyance in his tone. "Well, I can take care of him. I know him best."
"You're not a doctor, wouldn't I be of better help if I stayed with him instead of-"
"Enough! You two are making my headache even worse!" I shouted out, interrupting the two of them. They both turned their gaze to me, "Sorry." They quietly apologized in unison. "Luke's right, he knows better ways to take care of me, he's in the medical field. And besides, I wouldn't want him to walk home. He came here with me." I angrily said, I was completely pissed off at this point. I felt like shit and I could barely even stand, I did not want to put up with this.

"Thanks for the help Drew, I'll text you eventually." I said as I walked up to Luke. He placed an arm around my shoulder and we both started making our way to my car. Drew didn't say anything, he just looked tired. He eventually also drove off with his car. As me and Luke got in my car, I gave him my keys since I knew I was in no state to drive. We decided to go to his place this time around because he had the medicine needed to make me feel better, "Wait, I forgot to feed Yuuji.." I frowned, "Don't worry, I fed him this morning before you woke up." Luke smiled as he rested his hands on the steering wheel. "You're a life saver." I sighed in relief as I rested my head on the seat. He chuckled and we continued driving.

Once we got to his place, he laid me down on the bed and pulled up the covers. I was shivering, "This isn't looking good." He quietly said as he placed the back of his hand on my forehead. "You're warm, looks like you have a fever." He frowned as he said that. "Hold on, I'll go get some paracetamol." He got up and made his way into another part of the apartment. I stayed in the same position, I don't even remember the last time I was sick. Probably years and years ago. I knew what was coming, I got sick rarely and whenever I did it was horrendous. I felt bad for making Luke take care of me in such a terrible state, hopefully I can convince him to go home later.

He came back with a glass of water and a pill in his hands. He crouched down next to the bed and placed the glass of water on the bedside table. I slowly sat up, he handed me the pill. "This is gonna help with your headache." He quietly said, I picked up the glass and swallowed the pill. I hated taking pills, they always tasted so nasty. "It tastes terrible." He laughed, "I know, but it'll make you feel much better." He took a hold of my hand and slowly got me out of bed. "What are you doing..?" I asked quietly. "You need some fresh air, and some sun of course. Staying in bed under the covers won't make your fever go away." He explained as he placed a hand on my back and carefully walked to the balcony with me.

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