🕣 Running out of Time

184 13 174

25th June, 2004.

Me and Luke stayed with Xavier for as long as it took until his father came back from his meeting. I shared some of my food with him, the poor kid was starving. After his father comes back and gets him, me and Luke are gonna have to go down to the police station. We have to see Veronica, and her psychiatrist. "How are you feeling buddy?" Luke asked, he was sitting next to Xavier. He ruffled his hair and smiled. "Much better!" Xavier replied enthusiastically. I stood on the other side of the room, I was wiping one of the Erlenmeyer flasks from my equipment. "From now on, make sure you plan this out with your father okay? You could've easily caught a cold out there or you could've gotten lost, be careful sweetie." I explained as I set the flask on the white desk and quickly glanced at him and Luke.

Luke chuckled, "He's right. You don't wanna get sick do you? You won't be able to play with your friends outside." He said as he crossed his leg over the other and leaned back in his chair. "Oh no..I forgot about Maya and David! We were supposed to play together today.." He frowned as he slouched into his seat. "I'm sure they won't mind! You can tell them you had to urgently see your dad." Luke said as he patted him on the head. "Okay..I'll do that." He nodded. Suddenly, we heard someone knock on the door. "Come in." I said, the door opened and a man with light pink hair walked in. I assumed that was Gabriel, Xavier's father. "Hello." He greeted as he stood by the door. Xavier happily got up and ran to him, hugging him. Gabriel hugged him back and smiled as he gently patted his head. "How did he even get here?" He asked as he looked at me and Luke.

"He wanted to see you, so he walked all the way from home." Luke explained. Gabriel frowned as he looked down at his son. "Oh Xavier.." he said quietly. He looked a lot like Xavier. They both had light pink hair and tanned skin, though Gabriel's eyes were green. Xavier's were black. "Go in the hall Xavier, mommy's waiting for you outside." He said as he smiled down at him. Xavier nodded and ran off. The door shut, now it was just the three of us. "Alexander, right?" He asked as he turned to me. "You can just call me Zander.." I replied. "Alright." He said, he looked to the side and noticed Luke. "And you are..?" He asked, "Luke." Gabriel nodded. Luke got up and walked up to me, "We need to get going in a few minutes." He whispered. "Okay, I'll-" - "Er..Zander? Could I speak with you in private?" Gabriel spoke up suddenly. "Oh..uh alright." I replied. I looked back at Luke and he nodded, he shortly walked out of the room.

I walked up to Gabriel, "Can we make this quick? I have something planned." I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Of course." He agreed, he glanced around anxiously then he looked back at me. "Listen, I heard about what happened that night. With Damien, and his cult?" He started. I was completely startled, "How on earth do you know about that!?" I asked as I took a step back. This was impossible, I made sure no one knew. How..? "I've had connections with him before. Zander, listen. You only killed a hundred of his members that night, there are still at least 50 left." He explained with a sigh. "Connections with Damien..?" I asked. I could feel my heartbeat speed up, how come he was telling me all of this? If he was connected with Damien, wouldn't I be his enemy as well? "I can't..really explain that right now." He added.

"They know what you did, and they won't stop at anything to find you. All of them including Damien look up to this..lord." he explained, emphasizing every word. He looked rather disheveled, and he explained everything as if he was running out of time. "Lord?" I questioned as I furrowed my brows. That's the first time I ever heard of that. He suddenly stopped, the air felt cold. The atmosphere around us was chilling, as if a ghost just walked by us. "I have no idea who he is, but they all follow his orders. He's trying to resurrect someone." he explained further. The look on his face was tired, had he been one of the cult members before? Or maybe a close friend of Damien? How come he knows all of this detailed information? I nodded, I let him explain everything as I wanted to hear the full thing. I didn't know how much time I had left to talk to him until me and Luke went down to the police station.

𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑳𝑳𝒀 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑺 (A TMF AU)Where stories live. Discover now