⛪Terror of the Church

153 11 180

24th June, 2004.

I nervously stood outside of the door to Drew's office. I contemplated whether I should talk to him or not. The thing is, I planned on talking to him much sooner, though he was in San Francisco on some kind of trip for a few days. Now, he's finally back in New York. Luke told me that he's had doubts about me, and that he thinks I'm the one behind this. For Christ's sake, I would've died the same way if I wasn't as smart as I am. There was no point in bickering back and forth with myself, I hesitantly raised my hand and knocked on the door. I heard footsteps nearing, then the door opened.
"I'm not accepting more paperwo-!"
"Oh, it's you." He stood there, his expression wasn't very readable, though the only thing I could say for sure is that he looked annoyed.

"Do you mind if I come in..? I won't take too much of your time." I asked as I put my hands behind my back. He nodded and stepped aside, letting me in. He closed the door and turned to me, I leaned on the desk and looked down at the ground. There was still sometimes tension between us even though things have been solved. "What do you wanna talk about?" He asked, he sat down on one of the leather sofas in the corner. He picked up his blue mug and took a sip of what I assumed was coffee. "So..I heard you're having some doubts about me." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest, now finally confident enough to make eye contact with him. "Do you seriously think I'm the one behind this? When would I even have the time to do all of that!?" I argued. He gave me an unimpressed look and furrowed his brows, "So, how did you just magically come to the conclusion that there could be some spell that controls people's bodies? You asked Father Leon, didn't you?" He speculated.

"I've read books about that before, and articles online. I used to be interested in spiritual stuff before pursuing science." I explained as I still kept up with the current eye contact. "And you just casually stumbled upon a ritual book that explains everything that's happened to the victims in exact detail?" He asked as he cocked a brow. "If I was aware of that, wouldn't I be turning myself in technically if I brought this book to you?" I scoffed. "Even if it was me, I wouldn't be stupid enough to make such a mistake." I said. He stood up and walked over to me. "I still don't believe you."
"You know why it also can't be me?" I asked. He crossed his arms and urged me to go on. "Because I have PVS myself! That's fucking right, I do! That's the only reason I ever even visited Father Leon in the first place!" I argued, his eyes turned wide and he looked like he just saw a ghost. "You..have PVS?" He asked quietly, still taken aback. "Yes, I've had it since god knows how long. I've already lost one life. I'm down to eight."

He took a moment to process what I just said, he looked absolutely dumbfounded. "Yeah. Why would I do that? If you don't believe me, I can go to the Riverhead Church with you and ask Father Leon for the confidentiality agreement papers." I suggested. He shook his head, "It's fine. I just..didn't know."
"Keep quiet about it. No one else except for you and Father Leon knows."
He nodded, suddenly his cellphone rang. "Give me a minute." He excused himself as he took his cellphone out of his pocket and picked it up, turning around. "Liam?" He asked. I was a little curious so I listened in. "Shit. Where are you?" What the hell is going on? "Hold on, let me write that down." He said as he quickly took a pen and a sticky note. "What was it again? Okay." He scribbled down on the paper, from what I could tell it looked like Serenity Church.

"What's going on?" I asked as I furrowed my brows. He sighed. "There's been an absolutely horrific death at that church in Riverhead." He said. A horrific death? What if it was Father Leon? Drew noticed the horrified look on my face, "Calm down. It's not the priest. It's one of the nuns." He explained. That didn't make it any better. "Should I call Luke?" I asked as I took out my cellphone, "No need. He's already there." He explained as he set his cup of coffee down on the desk. Huh..strange.
"Well, should we start going now?" I asked. He nodded. "Come on." He said as he held the door open for me.

𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑳𝑳𝒀 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑺 (A TMF AU)Where stories live. Discover now