🧿Solemn Eyes which gaze upon our Mistakes

210 8 242

5th July, 2004.


The sound of his footsteps became louder by each step, making my ears ring. Everything was pitch black, I felt like I couldn't see anything. I looked down at my hands, but..they looked strange. They looked warped, and unreal. The footsteps finally stopped, I turned around and was met with a familiar sight. He stood still and looked me dead in the eye, drops of blood falling from the tips of his fingers. Half of his face was covered in that same dark red liquid, the smell of iron filled the air. A smell I was far too familiar with. His entire outfit had splashes of blood all over it, his hair was messy, and he didn't even blink once. It almost made him look not human. I had the feeling of an uncanny valley, like something that's clearly not human trying to imitate one. He lifted his arm up in front of him, the head of one of my previous cult members which is currently dead was in his hand.

I backed away in fear, I could see purple lights as my anxiety rose higher. He only took a step closer, and another step, and another. He smiled, something about it looked so evil and so merciless. "What's the matter Damien?" He laughed, his voice was almost unrecognizable. It almost sounded like a voice box. It sounded like he was taunting me or making fun of me. I felt something strange. I looked down and noticed I was standing in a pile of blood, this wasn't my blood. It was clearly coming from somewhere else. "Isn't this what you wanted?"

I jolted up in bed, panting. I closed my eyes as I clutched onto my chest, desperately trying to calm down and regulate my breathing. I had another nightmare about Alexzander. This is probably the fourth one ever since he burned my house down, I can't seem to get that stupid eerie smile of his out of my head. It's like his voice constantly lingers in the back of my mind. I looked down at my hands, they looked normal again. I sighed as I played around with my wedding ring, I guess it was pointless to still wear this. Lisa was already fully sure about divorcing me, in just a few weeks, this ring will have no more value. I grabbed my glasses from my bedside table and put them on, I turned the small light on as well, I got out of bed as slowly as I could. I managed to buy myself a small apartment until I could eventually get a house again, Lisa didn't even call me. I put my slippers on, and started making my way to the kitchen.

The entire time, I kept feeling like someone was watching me. Like someone was lurking in the shadows, in the corners. I kept seeing at least one lock of purple hair behind my curtains here and there, was I hallucinating? I walked behind the kitchen island and opened one of the cupboards above. I took out a simple tall glass and closed the cupboard again, "Here." I heard a whisper, it echoed. It sounded like his voice again, I turned around and anxiously darted my eyes across the entire place. I couldn't find anything, "Over here." He whispered again. I turned to look at the corner and it sounded like that whisper came from behind the long dark yellow curtain. I cautiously walked forward and reached my hand out towards the curtain, if he was really here, I could smash this glass over his head and that would give me enough time to run or think of another plan. There was almost zero chance of me winning against him in a physical fight.

Breathing became difficult again, I felt myself begin to tremble as my hand reached closer and closer for the curtain. After a long time of convincing myself and fighting against my own thoughts, I finally pulled back the curtain. Before I could even think, I smashed the glass against the wall. There was nothing there, no one..
"Ahh..fuck." I winced quietly as I looked down at my hand and saw a gnarly cut. I crouched down, I tried to collect all the shards of glass that were on the floor. I picked up one, "Do it. Do it." He whispered again and again, "Do it. Do it. Do it." He continued to whisper as the shard of glass kept coming closer and closer to my wrist. "Closer." He whispered. "Closer."

I stood up quickly and threw the shard of glass on the floor as I grasped my hair with my hands. Why can't he just get out of my head already!? I ran back to my bedside table and opened the small drawer, I took my cellphone out and reached for my psychiatrist's number. I selected it and I started to call it. Pick up, pick up already. The call didn't go through. I desperately went over the buttons on my cellphone again and again and called him over and over. Until, he finally picked up. "Damien? It's three in the morning, is everything alright?" He asked, he sounded like he just woke up. "No, no.." I whispered. "..Can we talk?"

𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑳𝑳𝒀 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑺 (A TMF AU)Where stories live. Discover now