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7th June, 2004.

This was probably the day I've been dreading since last week. Seventh June, the day Zander goes to Japan for a group research with his team. He's staying there for two whole weeks, I can already start to feel so lonely. Today, I was driving him to the airport. Even though he was telling me all about the places he'd visit again which he went to when he was younger, I couldn't really concentrate all that well. I was just distraught, I was afraid and worried about him coming across Hiroshi once he was there. I mean, he told me that he mostly grew up in Kawagoe and went to high school there, I looked it up and it wasn't really all that far from Tokyo. Him and Hiroshi met in highschool, who knows he could still be in Kawagoe, or maybe he went to Tokyo for university? What if they do end up seeing each other? Wouldn't they want to get back together after not seeing each other for such a long time?

"Luke..? Are you okay?" Zander asked as he turned his head to me, he looked worried. I didn't even realize I had a huge and noticeable frown on my face. "Uh..yeah! Just thinking." I replied, forcing a smile. He quietly sighed and turned his gaze to the window, I wouldn't want to burden him with my overthinking. But I couldn't help it, the silence was just too loud. "It's just, Hiroshi-"
"Luke. Can you please just stop mentioning Hiroshi?" He asked, slightly angry. He frowned and furrowed his brows as he looked off to the side. "I'm sorry." I quietly said. He turned to look at me, the expression on his face instantly softened. "It's fine. Just stop talking about him." He said, turning his gaze back to the window. It was quiet, none of us dared to say a single word the whole way to the airport.

The sound of many suitcases' wheels rolling against the floor could be heard throughout the airport. It wasn't very full, it was only 8AM after all. I looked up and noticed Daisy and Will standing next to their team, also carrying suitcases with them. Zander seemed to have noticed them as well, he stopped and turned around to face me. We both stood still and only looked at each other. "I'm sorry for being rude to you in the car earlier, I just really don't wanna talk about Hiroshi." he apologized as he frowned. "It's okay. I probably shouldn't have asked in the first place." I said as I nervously scratched the back of my neck. "No, you have every right to be worried." He smiled. "I'm gonna miss you a lot." He said as he walked closer and wrapped his arms around me, embracing me in a hug. I hugged him tightly and nuzzled my face into his neck. "I don't wanna let gooo..." I complained. He laughed, "I don't either."

"I'll make sure to text you as soon as I get to Tokyo." He explained. I smiled, "Okay." I softly said. "You smell really nice. Is that a new shampoo?" I asked as we slowly let go of the hug. He looked at me and cocked a brow, "Yeah..do you remember how my shampoo smells or something?" He lightly chuckled. "Yes! It just smells really good." I excitedly said with a smile. He then turned to look at Daisy and Will, they were already looking at us. He then turned his head to me, "I better not get voicemails from you crying about some sappy movie at three in the morning." He sarcastically scoffed as he crossed his arms over his chest. I inched closer to his face and smiled. "Expect many." I quietly said. His cheeks turned red and he quickly looked away. "Then you'll get voicemails from me complaining about my co-workers." He proudly said with a smirk.

I smiled, I was going to miss him a lot. I always felt at peace when he was here, in front of me. I quickly wrapped my arms around his waist and brought him closer to me, he hugged back and chuckled. "I wish I could go with you." I whispered. He tightened his hold on me, "There's always space in the suitcase if you change your mind." He joked. I only smiled and simply sunk into his embrace, the most comfortable thing in the world. I can't imagine a whole two weeks without his hugs.


There it was again, that warm feeling in my chest, and the butterflies in my stomach, the same ones I felt when I first met him. I didn't want to let go, I just wanted to embrace him and talk with him about anything for hours and hours. "I really have to go now Luke, Will is already eyeing me and getting irritated." I softly chuckled as I attempted to let go, though he hugged me even tighter. "He can waiittt...your flight is in an hour anyway.." he whined. I quickly lifted my hand and looked at my watch, "Not really, it's in around 25 minutes." I corrected him, he sighed. "I'm gonna miss you a lot." He said. I let go of his waist, "I'll miss you too." I said quietly. I took a hold of my suitcase, "Text me as soon as you get there, okay?" He said one last time, "Okay." I smiled. And with that we waved at each other and I continued to walk towards my team.

𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑳𝑳𝒀 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑺 (A TMF AU)Where stories live. Discover now