🛠️Necessity is the Mother of Invention

115 9 78

17th July, 2004.

To my disappointment, the vacation finally came to an end. Going clubbing the night before our flight probably wasn't the best idea, but hey, you only live once right? Well, in my case eight more times, but I guess the saying still goes. "That's the last one." I said as I placed my suitcase in the trunk. "Yours was the heaviest." Luke sighed as he leaned on my car. "I need different clothes for every occasion and for every weather. You can never have too many clothes." I said proudly as I shut the trunk and made my way towards him. "I'm too indecisive for that..I just wear whatever's comfortable." He joked, smiling. His eyes squinting as his smile grew. "I'm guessing that's why you look like Adam Sandler right now?" I kissed his cheek, he was wearing dark blue jorts, an oversized t-shirt with Guns N' Roses on it and a thin red jacket. "And you look like you're from a Ralph Lauren commercial.." he laughed as he traced my arm. "You recognize the logo on my jacket." I smiled. "See? I know fancy brands too." He replied as he made his way towards the car and opened the door. "Good job." I chuckled.


"The sea is so beautiful." Hailey remarked as she took a closer look at the pictures on Luke's camera, her and the rest of the band were leaning forward as the screen was too small, Luke was explaining every picture from our vacation in full detail. He had a white Sony camera, I remember he told me it was a birthday gift from a friend. I picked up my mug, and sipped on my coffee. Right after me and Luke arrived, we met up with our friends at Café Fleurir, this small café was always important to me. Of course, they had a lot of amazing pies and drinks, however this is the place where Luke and I first hung out after meeting each other. That afternoon was magical even. "Don't show them that one.." I said jokingly as I laughed, "I love this one!" Luke snickered as he turned the camera towards the others. The others laughed as they saw the picture. It was of me and Luke taking shots with colorful wigs on, as well as fuzzy scarves. I remember we were blackout drunk that night.

"This one's iconic." Milly chuckled. "Who even took this photo anyway? Did you guys ask a random stranger?" Jake asked in-between his laughter. "See, I would tell you if I knew. I have no idea, that whole night is just a foggy memory.." Luke chuckled. "Damn, how much did you guys even drink?" Sean asked as he picked up his fork and took a bite out of his pastry. "I have a feeling it wasn't just alcohol, I think there was a group of people our age giving out free drugs that night." I explained. "Ouh..who knows what we could've snorted.." Luke said, shivering. "Now that I think about it, it might've just been crushed up Prozac." He added. "Hold on, have you guys ever done drugs before?" Hailey asked in a concerned tone, fidgeting with the shiny ring on her finger. Her and Daisy had recently gotten engaged. "That was my first time trying them, never again it tasted and felt like shit." I replied as I rolled my eyes remembering the terrible flavor and experience. "I kind of did in high school, then I stopped some time during university." Luke explained. "I had some really bad friends at the time." He said, gritting his teeth. "Huh, what do you know. I never knew that." Sean said quietly. "I feel like everyone was a dick in high school. I met a lot of assholes back then." Milly sighed as she leaned her head into her hand.

"You guys probably know Zoey, she was a total bitch." She rolled her eyes. "She was the devil." Hailey nodded. "Wait, the same Zoey that's a nurse now..?" Luke asked as he cocked a brow. "Yeah, that girl with the strawberry blonde hair. She used to date Drew." Jake explained, stirring the small spoon in his drink. "I heard they might be together again." Sean chimed in. "No way!" I laughed, "Wasn't she just using him for his money? Why would he go back to her?" I questioned in between my laughter. "I don't know, maybe because of Liam's death, he's been having a tough time trying to cope." Sean speculated. Every time Liam was brought up, I felt my stomach churning. The guilt was sometimes too much to handle, however I tried my best not to think about it too much. "On the topic of that, did they ever find out how he died?" Hailey asked. I glanced at Luke as he reciprocated, I assumed he felt as guilty as I did. At least the feeling was mutual. "Apparently they ruled it out as a suicide. The cause of death was drowning, and there were no other injuries." Sean explained.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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